Chapter Thirteen: My Happy Ending

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"You were everything, everything that I wanted. We were meant to be, supposed to be but we lost it, and all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away. All this time you were pretending, so much for my happy ending" -Avril Lavigne

Rebecca's POV

I stand in the shower, letting the hot water burn my skin. I've been in here for about an hour now, but I never want to leave. I don't want to see Calum again ever. Once I get myself out of the shower, I'm packing up and leaving for good. I don't care if Alyssa stays here with Luke for the time we were supposed to be here. Whatever. I just need to leave. I finally decide to turn off the water and I grab my towel. I dry myself then wrap the towel around myself. I step out and wipe off the mirror and stare myself in the eyes. The red, puffy eyes. I look around for my container with pills in it. I take out the anxiety pills and set them on the counter. I stare at them. Should I? I feel like it would take the pain away. I don't have a reason to try and face the pain. I look around for a glass but there aren't any. I grab a pill anyways. I swallow it. Then another. Then another. Then another.


Alyssa's POV

I sprint upstairs to the bathroom. I have to go so bad. We've been watching tv for hours and I haven't gotten up the whole time. Calum said that Rebecca wanted some time to herself so we gave it to her. I open the door and I can't believe what I see.

Luke's POV

I hear Alyssa's scream from upstairs. I get up and sprint up the stairs. I see the bathroom door wide open and I run over and look inside. 


I grab my phone as I rush to Alyssa's side on the ground with Rebecca. I dial the number and I tell them all I know. I pick up a pill container off the ground. 

'take once a day for anxiety'

Once a day? Well I don't know how many were in here to start with, but there's only one left. I move around Alyssa to get to her best friend. I pick her up bridal style and carry her downstairs. The other three boys are all sitting on the couch, obviously oblivious to everything that had happened and I yell at them to move and I lay Rebecca on the couch. The paramedics knock on the door and Michael opens it to let them in. They rush to her side and put her on a stretcher to bring her to the ambulance. I look around to find Calum. He's not here. I run upstairs and find him in the bathroom on the ground. He's just sitting there, staring at the emtpy bottle of pills.

"I can't believe I didn't realize what I did."

"You didn't do this to her."

"Yeah, and I did it to myself too. I might have just lost the most important thing in my life because I made a stupid mistake."

"Calum, you didn't know that Destiny was coming back."

"I should have expected it... and how did you know that she came?" he says, looking up at me for the first time since I came in the room.

"Did you even notice all the cuts on Rebecca's body?"

"Not really... I was too busy talking to her.... and watching her walk away from me."

"Well she has cuts all over her body because when Destiny came to the house last night, Rebecca beat the shit out of her. She went to jail and had to call me to pick her up this morning. She didn't go running."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It wasn't my story to tell."

"It was mine to know."

"It was also your job to tell Rebecca about Destiny and you didn't."

"Who's side are you on?"

"There are no sides if you really do love her."

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