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neva guess wha happend today!!!! Er kay so I was in 1st period and I got bored an went to the library....so when I come back the bell rang a few seconds ago and everones hurrying an packing up an i run to my book bag (and I leave my bookbag on the floor) an i neal down -like how people propose- an I have a pencil in that little side pocket for water bottles an I nealt down so quickly that the side of my knee hit the led thingy part an the led thingy part sank like 3 inches into my skin a an half an inch was sticking out an man it stung lika BITCH! so Shebie (Shelby my fwend) takes me to the clinic an when i'm walking-limping my good leg falls asleep an I trip and fall! oh an did i mention that my phone fell on the bus this morning an slided all the way to seat 1 and then back to my seat then in the afternoon I get on the bus and 15 min. later i'm talking to Ellie and it flys putta my hand an wacks the ground and ya luckly it didn't crack....again haha weel upfate later I got locked outta church jahaha buhbye

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