heyya important stuff beeellloowww

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heyya ok 17% boutta die but i have to update ok in my really old chapters do u remember about me saying that i got my friend Ellie an Todd dating but i hated Todds guts? yeah well they-i mean Ellie broke up with him loonnnggg ago an now Tyler's in our awesome group but theres only like 3 or 4 people in it but its awesome!! an so Tyler is the funny guy who i mock about being gay....-he isn't gay i just like medsing around saying that cuz hes alergic ta "NUTS" Get it Nuts as in-i think u get it- an yesterday Tyler broke Ellies neclace on acsedent an now insted of saying Isabella.it says

-_-_- is-_-           -_-_- abella-_-_-

an then when we were all walking to our buses i pull Tyler to the side of a bus -NOTHING DIRTY AHHA- an in a creppy voice i say 'i know you like Ellie!......' as a funny joke to get him pissed but he ends up stuttering/blushing/an trirng to say NO but insted he ran away to his bus.......-14%- i walked up to Jacob an im like 'i think Tyler likes Ellie...' an hes like...'i know right!' then he gets on his bus an i get on me an Ellies bus an sit next to here an explain the whole thing Tyler did an she brung up this peverted story of when Tyler was staring at Ellies um.....BABY PLACE THING! -i call it that somtimes haha- an yeah he couldnt get it out of his mind an he was smirking an i guess slapping him on the side of the face didnt work sooo...then i ask Ellie if she likes Tyler and she says 'Well I like him cuz hes funny.' so i think she only sees him as a friend vuz i remrmber saying somthing like that cuz apperantly this dude named Jack liked me -I didnt belive this at first lol- an everyone kept saying i Loved him WHICH I DIDNT an i got pissed an said somthing about me only hanging out with him cuz hes funny an stuff..... -12%- an yeah i remember at the begining of the year Tyler asked Maddison AKA Maddie out an she said no i remember when i shipped them -Myler Mylerson Taddie Taddison Tyddie Tyddison-

yeah bad ship names an then he says hes over her now an now i ship her an Logan -laddie laddison Mogan Magan_NOW i remember it was Laddie it was a cute ship name.....

an so i see them as a cute cuple exept their not dating *sigh* one day....one day oh god im obsessing over peoples relationships!-i have a good reason -_- an so me an my stupid mind decided that I was gonna ask all of homroom exept for the teacher an Tyler an Ellie who the cutest best friends are and all votes were on Tyler and Ellie an i ran to them an told them lol but yeah -11%-  this is super long but i had to say it i got to go i havent had breakfast Nutella sandwich is calling my name! byyee

-Steppie Burrito -inside joke-

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