Chapter 3

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I wake up in the morning to see flames surrounding me, I panic and scramble to the ground, I look towards my arms to see they are engulfed in purple flames, I scream loudly in fear, my aunt runs and opens the door the see what caused me to scream so loudly, she sees my condition and the embers engulfing the room she tells me to get out quickly and grab as much as we can "I uh...I can't! My arms are emitting fire! I'm the cause of the fire! I'm a freak!" she looks around to see that the fire is only following me and not actually burning anything and says in a calm but scared voice "Rokozhan, you contracted Teboluk, it is shared in your genes, some people are able to control their molecules, but some people me, Your mother had this power, that's why this is happening, it will take a long time for you to control it, you need to run far, far away and find the nearest desolate place and build up your strength, Run rokozhan and don't look back, ill be fine, more harm then good will ensue if you stay! Run!" I look at her in shock and simply mutter "I love you aunt Amai.....goodbye...." I jump out the window quickly landing with a fiery bang. I run for hours with ash following behind me, suddenly a Shtârwhècher group turns the corner quickly with their weapons armed "Stand down! Sit down and close your eyes! We will help you son! If you don't stop we will shoot!" I know that they are only going to shoot me so for some reason just throw my hands forward to to see a purple fireball fly out of my arms and soar into the group of Shtârwhèchers killing them instantly and turning them into ash, I look in shock to see where there were thirteen men but now they are just chunks of burnt flesh and ash. I run and I run fast and continue to look forward until I see a forest, a forest of safety and peace, when I walk in I see a small rabbit jumping around and a few birds soaring through the treetops, I sigh in relief as my flames extinguish, but I realise the horrors that are about to occur due to the Shtârwhèchers witnessing my powers, I fall to the ground and cry at the fact that Resnov will probably order the execution of Aunt Amai...and then I pass out...

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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