Septiceye (Part One)

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I was just browsing when I saw it, the case. It was a bright green with bold black letters spelling out the word 'Septiceye'. I have no idea what it was, but some part of me insisted that it was something that I needed to buy; so I did.

When I arrived back at my apartment, I swung the door open and set my shopping bags full of new things down beside my coffee table. I needed some coffee, now I think about it, so out to the kitchen I strode. 

I placed my mug underneath the spout of the coffee machine and turned it one, letting it work it's magic. I guess I should probably eat whilst i'm out here. As I was looking through the fridge to try and find something left over, I remembered the CD I had bought earlier that morning. I finally decide that I just couldn't be bothered cooking at this time of the night, so I would just order in some late night pizza. Pushing the fridge door shut I flick the coffee machine off and take a sip of the hot, freshly made coffee; and oh god, it was good.

"Hello, this is Pizza Hut, and i'm Tammy. What can I get for you tonight?"

A young sounding girl asked from the other end of the line. I thought about this for a moment to make a decision.

"I'll just grab a medium garlic and prawn with extra cheese, and a bottle of coke please." I responded.

"Sooo.." She said, obviously jotting my order down, "That was a medium garlic and prawn with extra cheese?" She repeats back to me.

"Mhm." I reply, waiting for her to proceed.

"Will Pepsi be okay for the drink?" She asks after a short moment.

I sigh to myself before replying with a "Yeah, that will be fine."

"Okay, so will there be anything else tonight sir?"

"No that's all." 

"And is this for pickup or deliver?" 

"Deliver." I reply

After confirming my order once again, I give her my address and hang up the phone, dropping it on the couch as I sit propping my feet up on the glass coffee table and I take another sip of my hot beverage.

I look down to the bags and decide to get everything out and put it away whilst I wait for my food.

I place that bag on the table and pull out the first item I get my hands on, the CD. I look at it and flip it over looking at the song list and at a small bio written at the bottom. It was the band members names. There were only a few people; there was the lead guitarist, Felix, another guitarist, Jensen, their bass, Wade, Keyboard, Lachlan and the drummer, Jack.

I look over to my stereo and decide on listening to a track or two, seeing as I didn't buy it for nothing. I slid the disk into the tray and pressed play, hearing the music swirl around me, filling the apartment. It wasn't something that I would usually listen to, but I guess I liked it.

After about a third of the song, it was just bass and drums, a kinda drum solo I guess. It started off slow, but wow did it pick up. This guy was amazing; I have never heard anything like it before, and i loved it. 

I was bobbing my head to the music and walked back over to the couch, taking a seat and opening google chrome on my phone, switching the browser to images and typing in 'Jack, Septiceye'.

My screen filled with pictures of a man not too much younger than I, with bright green hair and a small grey hat, turned around backwards. There were many photos, but that one just caught my eye. He was wearing a darkish red long-sleeve shirt with a pocket on the chest. But his eyes were the highlight of the photo; they were bright sky blue, deeper than any ocean. He was stunning. I found myself becoming even more intrigued about this band, and Jack, so I kept scrolling through the photos until I head a knock on the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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