Makeup Hell

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Well, here I am. Middle School. Just two years away from highschool. Obviously. I just walked in my school, I got a car ride from my mom. I know what you're thinking, I am really cool. The first people I look at, wow, they covered their face in makeup. I don't even think that is what they look like with out make up. It was terrible for me, I thought I had to do that but, I thought of Chuck Norris. I am never giving into that well, until I am older. I go up to the table which had my schedule. I read it once in my head locked and loaded I don't need it but might as well keep. It has some important stuff on it I guess. I over heard some people talking "Man there is so much stuff on my schedule, I will never memorize it," That struck me. People trying to be funny but doubt themselves at the same time. I am not happy with how some people turn out. You just remember six classes, not hard just calm down. But no one will care what I think. I couldn't say a whole sentence with out getting cut off mid-sentence. Then, my dad gets mad at me when I interrupt him by accident. I got to many things going on right now to get caught up in dumb stuff. I walk over to an empty seat and just took a breath. I told myself I will be fine, people like this maybe mean but I can't let it effect me. The bell rings and I got to my first period, World Cultures. We went in class and we were greeted by our teacher. She told us her name is Ms. Sunsquares. She gave us this paper with a cactus on it. It said "Who I am" no connection to cactuses. Well whoever designed this must've been a prick. We finished the dumb assignment and the bell rang. My next class was Spanish. The teachers was Ms. Edes. She told us what we are going to learn and she just talked non stop about it. She had us partner up. I sat next to a girl. Her name was Ziana. She asked me what my name was. I responded Quack. "Quack?" She asked. "Well, that is my nickname. I only say my real name to the people I trust." Well, I least have a potential friend. Whenever I say I give my name to people I trust, the only reason people want to be my friend is to know my name. Who knows? If they were cats they would die. Sometimes I wish they were cats, people like that won't ever be patient or have the right motivations for anything. I was the first to finish with my partner. I'm the one always to finish first. I like getting things done. But, back to "potential friend" she seems like she wants to be friends to be friends and not to know my actual name, but I know there is curiosity in everyone.  I'll give her a chance. There goes the bell again. I head to my next class math. The teacher mumbled. I couldn't hardly understand him especially when he told us his name, Mr. Highcandy. I had know idea what he said. I don't think anyone could. There was know way he is a good teacher. He yelled at a kid who asked what he was saying. I have a feeling my dad is going to have a word with this guy if it associates with me. My dad likes getting involved. It helps and it gets me annoyed and angered. There goes the bell again. I leave and go to my next class. English. I'm usually good with English. I mean, I speak the language so I should be good. She said her name is Mrs. Treeletter. At first she talked about how the school screwed up her paper and on the schedule it had her other name Ms. Toiletdaughter. After that she talked about the language we already knew and gave us our seats. Whoop whoop. The bell again. That sounds is going to get so annoying throughout the year. Now it's lunch. There was music blasting throughout the courtyard. I started talking to a person in line. Her name was No. I guess she took Meghan Trainor a little to seriously. We   made fun of the crappy music playing and ate lunch together. After lunch was over I had P.E. All we did was walk around the blacktop. I was on my own. The person I met at lunch wasn't here neither was Ziana. It didn't bother me. This happens a lot. My family says I need to open up so, why the heck not. So it was a normal 45 minutes. All I did was count the time. My last period of the day was Science. She greeted us and said her name was Mrs. Lawrence. She gave us our seats and talked then that was the end. It was boring but I'm used to it. I guess I'll see what happens tomorrow.

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