The Real Deal

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Second day of school. It wasn't bad. Normal classes, normal day. It was fine. Just one thing was different. First period there was a lockdown alarm. It was no drill. We all went down under the desks. I didn't. I quietly crawled over to the door. Just to the side of it. I knew no one will shout at me. Except for one person, really loudly. I would've face palmed the loudest I ever done but I heard them coming. I mouthed idiot after the kid shouted at me. He ducked down covering his face. If we made it out alive and someone else didn't, he would be dead by me. The people came in with normal handguns. Those idiots didn't reload their guns. I saw their chambers open. I jumped punch one of the idiots in the temple and he blacked out. The other one swung at me and I swung him around and he punched himself. Turns out one of them had a loaded gun. I picked it up and everyone was scared. I guess I should say bye to this school. The school was evacuated and someone from my math class came up to me.  Her name was Lucinda. She was perky, shy, but still a great person. "I heard what you did" she said. "Really?"I asked " I didn't know that news traveled that fast" "It did, my friend was in that class." "I wish I knew you better" I said, "I'm pretty    sure I won't be here anymore" Rigt after I said that the PA system said"Quack, come to the office, Quack come to the office." I head over to the office and the principal was standing there. She said "You must be Quack, come into my office" I go into her office and she said "So, two people come in with a gun and you knock out one of them and make the other one punch   himself in the face? Have you been watching Chuck Norris movies all your life?" I chuckled and answered "I   would've waited patiently for the police to take care of it, someone needed to be there and do something. Also, to answer your other question, yes I have watched Chuck Norris movies all my life. I know what you're going to say next. I am going to get expelled." "Why do you think you'll be expelled" "Well, I disobeyed a teacher and I held a gun." "You disobeyed at teacher because you knew what to do. Way more than the other kid who called out. You held a gun because they were still alive. You are a great person. You tried to expell your self because you know that you did some things wrong. You will continue going to this school.   Now go home, be a kid, and enjoy yourself." "Thank you" I went home and parents asked me what happened? I said I don't know and that was it. The good parts is that I don't have homework.


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