The Boy

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It was normal today. Unlike the normal yesterday. There was no shootings today so that's good. It turns out one kid did get hurt yesterday. He didn't get shot, he was being dumb and he got hit by the ambulence. Oh the irony. I saw No again today at lunch. We talked again and made fun of the crappy music. As I walked to my 2nd period I saw a kid. I wasn't sure if I was looking correctly, he looked like a kid from my other school. I used to like him back then but it is over now. OVER. OVER. Don't question me. I just keep walking and go to my class. We had some time before the bell rang. I talked to Ziana about the boy. "So you used to like him? Okay." "Used to. I still don't now" "Whatever you say" The teacher announced that we were going to get a new student and the boy walked in. He was tall, slim, very good looking, and has blond hair. "Woah," Ziana said" I could tell why you liked him." "That wasn't the reason. Well, the whole reason" Ziana laughed. "Class" The teacher announced "This is our new students is name is Jamison. Jamison you can sit next to Quack." Jamison smiled and walked over to me. He whispered and said "So you still call yourself Quack, huh?" "Yeah, so?" "Nothing. Does anyone else besides me know your name?" "No" "Silent aren't you?" "Jamison, be quiet. You know what you did last year. So don't act like everything is okay" He became quiet for the rest of the period. When the bell rang Jamison asked " Where are you going next?" "Math. Why?" "Just wondering. Who is your math teacher?" "Mr. Highcandy" "Well, I guess we are going to the same class why don't we walk together" "If we walk together will you be quiet?" "Sure, why not?" We go to Math and are greeted by Mr.  Highcandy mumbling. "Does he always mumble?" Jamison asked "Yes he does" I responded. We finished class and went to English. Fortunatley Jamison wasn't there. When it was lunch time Jamison came up to me after I finished eating.  "Can we talk?" "No" "Ma- I mean Quack, please" "I said no, now leave me alone!" I went to cool down and Ziana talked to me. "What was that about?" "He was an old friend" "That you liked" "I used to like him" "Why are you mad at him? What did he do?" "I am sorry, I don't want to talk about it." I left and finished the day. As I was walking home I heard a shout "Quack!" I turned around and saw Jamison. I sped up but he caught up to me.  "Jamison leave me alone! I already told you" "Listen, I know you are mad at me, but you can't be like this forever." "Jamison, I don't want to hear it. Please just go" I walked away and this time he didn't follow. Later at night I got a text from Ziana it said that there is an ambulence at Jamison's house. I snuck out of my house and went over there. When I got there all I saw was Jamison going into an ambulence.

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