The Wig

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Marinette had finally started dating Adrien. And it was the best.She loved being able to hold his hand in public and playing video games in her room.Her parents fully approved of Adrien. When he came for dinner or to play video games they always insisted that he stays longer.And Adrien would much rather be at his girlfriends house with her super sweet parents than be at in his neglectful dad's presence.

But Marinette's favorite part by far was getting to rub the fact that Adrien Agreste,was her rightful boyfriend in Chloe's face.She went out of her way to hold his hand in the presence of the queen B.Or to flirt with him as class started before the bell rang.

Marinette remembered on a Friday,before a long weekend perhaps,school had just let out.She watched as Chloe walked out Francois Dupont Middle school chatting to Sabrina supposedly,but in reality it was yapping as Sabrina kept up with her. Marinette would off left her alone if she hadn't gave Marinette side glance and looked back at Sabrina and said something among the lines of "sort of like her"in her overwhelming valley girl accent,waving her arm in Marinette's general direction.

Marinette clenched her fist her teeth grinding, nose scrunching.The frustrated expression Adrien would of told that she looks cute when she made that face. That's right, Adrien. Adrien walked out of the old middle school,almost on cue.She gestured him over to the corner of the top of the stairs were she stood.

"Hey Chloe!"she called.Chloe's yellow ponytail whipped in the direction of Marinette. Now that she had her attention,Marinette,all in one move,grabbed Adriens hand,turned towards him,got up on her tip toes to reach Adriens face and kissed him.She felt Adrien pull back slightly in shock but not to draw back from her mouth.He put his hand on her waist,Marintte slide her hand up his neck,tugging lightly on her hair.BIG MISTAKE.It felt like she pulled of his entire hair.She pulled away.To utter shock,what appeared to be a blonde wig was balled in her fist.She was terrified to look at Adrien. But she new what she'd see.

Adrien was in fact,bald.As reality sunk in,she heard murmuring coming from the students who were passing by during the indecent .They all saw. Adrien's eyes were wide with mortification. Marinette stood next to the bald kid that was her boyfriend with his hair still in her hand.She stuffed it into his hands. "this is yours" is all she could muster.He opened to his mouth to talk but instead of his usual voice,an alarm clock replaced his voice.

Marinette woke with a jerk.Her alarm clock was blaring.It was 6:00.Her heart was still beating in her chest.She took long,deep breaths,filling her dark room.It was a dream.Only a dream.Nothing of it happened.None of it.None.

A/N This was an inside joke that went to far.But I really like this idea (its so ridiculous,I had to take breathers between writing paragraphs)But it was inspired by this picture:

But I really like this idea (its so ridiculous,I had to take breathers between writing paragraphs)But it was inspired by this picture:

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Some lovely people on the internet keep pausing ML at the right moment so it appears Adrien is wearing a wig.My friend and I thought "Well what if Marinette kissed Adrien and when she grabbed his hair his wig fell off??"Then this was born.

Ladynoir/Adrinette oneshots w/ potential fluff.Where stories live. Discover now