Adrienntte:Married under twenty five

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A/N this is probably going to be a three part series inspired by the buzz feed series:Married under twenty five.So with out further a do:

Home Buddies

MArinette opened the car door and slide in.Adrien was picking her up from work on a friday afternoon.For the past couple of days she has been feeling incredibly boring.She had to close commisions temporarly to settle into her knew job,and everyone thier was unincredibly boring.

"How was your day."Adrien asked,pulling into the traffic of downtown Paris.

Marinette sighed. "fine....."she looked at her feet.Lace ballet flats she designed and made. Marinette loved to make her own clothing when possible.She looked at her reflection in the window.Her blackish hair was cut short.She found she looked good with it.But now it looked slightly dishevled and her eyes had pinkish bags under her eyes,and acne was spawning on her forehead.She needed to use more concealer.She needed to get out and do something mildly exiting and relaxing or risk having gray hair by Monday. " you want to do something this weekend?"she asked Adrien.He glaned at her.

"Ya,lets go somewhere tomorrow"Marinette noticed that he too,he had bags underneath his eyes too.His cheeks that were usually freckled and pleasant,was shiny with sweat.He still had a content smile on his face despite.


MArinette walked into the kitchen in the couples small apartment later that afternoon.Adrien shut of his phone and looked at her. "Hey,the new episode of Steven Universe airs in France today."

Exitment fluttered in Marinette's stomach.Partly becuase seeing Adrien exited about something was adorable,his green eyes got really wide and his shoulder rose to his neck.THe other half was beacuse Marintte,despite being a responible,twenty five year old woman with a husband and a steady job,really enjoyed "kids shows" especially Steven Universe.She loved everything about it,the charcters,the colors,the concept.But most of all,it was comforting to watch others deal with such threatening situations.Not in a sociopathic way,like watching people being tortured,but more of something so relatble it hurt.It gave her a comfort to know that she's been in these scenarios and made it,and so can these people.


The episode was great.After the new one,they watched a few re-runs of the old ones and then changed the channel,watching some random episode of Once upon a time,then doctor who,then Spanish soap opera that kind of intresting and entertaining to make fun off.At this point it was maybe 11:00.

"We should go to bed"she heard Adrien say.She felt his chest vibrate when he spoke and his steady breathing threw his shirt.

"We will."She changed the channel.It was sailor moon. Marinette had to stay awake for that.She fought her drooping eyes.


Marinette woke up to the TV screaming at her in Japanese. Adrien was asleep,it was dark exept for the TV.What time was it.She picked up her phone that was was lying on the coffe table along with cans of soda and popcorn.She should clean that up....tommorow. Acording to her phone it was 1:17.She promised her self that her and Adrien would do all outside stuff tommorow to make up for it.The she leaned back into Adrien's chest and tried fall back asleep to the sounds of Sailor moon and Adrien's steadied breathing.


The next time Marinette woke up,Adrien was shaking her.

"What is it?"she asked,rubbing her eyes.

"Its 11." Adrien said. MArinettes brain took a second to process that.

"Damn it."she muttered.

"What is it?"Adrien sounded genuinally worried.Like something actually went wrong.She apreciated that.

"I was planning to go out today!"She pealed her self off of Adrien and his warm chest.She pulled the curtains apart the curatins. Oodles of sunlight streamed into the the small living room.Frustration filled her.

Then she felt Adrien wrap his arms around her waist and burrow his nose into her neck.He exhaled into he neck,sending goose bumps down her arms and legs.

"Its okay" he told her,"we have all day"


3:30.She had found her self back in on the couch glued to a sleeping Adrien,not that she minded that part.

"F*ck this"she muttered as she pulled her self of the couch.She snatched the laundry basket from the corner and threw clothes into the basket.Adrien's head popped up from the other side of the couch.

"what are you doing?"he asked

"Something productive"She snapped.

"Its my turn,"he said,hopping over the edge of the couch."Let me do it."he said.Bless him.He's so patient.

So they spent the rest of the day doing chores,laundry,dishes,sweeping,fixing Marintte's online store and studying for finals (Adrien is finally getting a degree after quitting modeling)


The time,18:00.The two slumped on the couch.

"At least we got something done."Marinette sighed.

"I'll be right back,"Adrien got of the couch and went into thier bed room.Ten minutes later he came back,in a semi-formal button down shirt and jeans."Were doing something tonight." he said.A look of determination on his face.

"Like what?" Marinette asked,her elbow on her knee,fist supporting her chin.

"I......dont know...yet."

Marinette smiled and rolled her eyes,"Give me a minute."


"How about a walk in the park?"Marinette asked,she slid of her shirt,pulling on a midnight blue sun dress.

"Sounds good." Adrien sat cross legged on the couple's bed. "We should bring Plagg and Tikki just in case"

"Definetly" Ever since the two have moved in together Plagg and Tikki have been spending alot of time together.They have found a mini home in the ceramic fairy house Marintte had when she was twelve and couldn't bare to part with so she brought it with her.

She pulled on a white sweater and threw on her purse she had since middle school,the one she keeps tikki in.

In summary,Marinette and Adrien are not night club people.After fifteen minutes at the bar they noped it out and went home.

"We'll do something next weekend."Marinette had her arms and legs crossed on the old couch in the couple's apartment.

"Sure."Adrien had his arm draped over her shoulder.Marinette turned in the TV.Soap operas.Of course.It was 2 am.

They didn't really care.They fell asleep on their couch to the sound of bad actors yelling in Spanish and it was fine.

A/N haaaaa

I had this lyeing around since May and I just finished it -\(😊)/-

That's all.

Ladynoir/Adrinette oneshots w/ potential fluff.Where stories live. Discover now