Chapter One

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Bruce's   POV

I was sitting at a table at a charity event I was hosting. Women to the left of me, and women to the right. I sipped my wine as the speaker stepped up on stage.

"I'd like to thank you all for coming to this event. This is to raise money for Gotham City's children's hospital. Every penny counts. A special thanks to Bachelor Bruce Wayne for hosting this wonderful event.

Mr. Wayne, would you please come on up here?" He announced. I took my arms from the women around me and sat up. Almost immediately, everyone started clapping.

As I made my way up on stage, I noticed some kind of gas leaking from the air vents. I had stopped in my tracks to look. People started to mumble to one another.

Eventually, they began to notice the gas, but by then, it had reached a few people. They began to cough and soon were screaming while clutching their heads.

Blood came out from their ears, nose, and even from their eyes! "Evacuate everyone!" Gordon shouted. Everyone made a run for the doors, but they slammed shut by themselves and were locked!

While everyone was panicking, I ran into the men's room and changed into Batman. I made sure I had my gas mask on and ran back out. The gas was a blend of green and red.

I ran up to Gordon and quickly put a gas mask over his face. "Gordon, you have to find a way out of here and get these people to a hospital!" I instructed.

"Wait, Batman, what are you gonna do?" He asked. "I'm gonna find a way to turn this gas off." I replied. I aimed my grappling hook at the window on the ceiling and shot through it.

At least for now, the gas would travel out of the window. I noticed these strange sparks coming off the gas and was causing explosions. "EVERYONE, GET DOWN AND UNDER TABLES!!!" Gordon practically screamed.

I climbed up the graphing hook until I was outside. I ran to the front of the building and entered it again. On my way, I noticed a strange van. I ran down the hallway, following the sounds of explosions and screams.

It didn't take me long to find the doors to the grand hall. Just before I could reach them, they blew up, knocking me back with the doors on top of me!

I could feel people running over the doors, but they weren't running away from the room. They were running towards it. Once the running stopped, I kicked the doors off and saw a bunch of people with gas masks and rifles.

I darted in and began taking them down! One of them whacked me upside the back of my head. I fell down but quickly threw one of my bat shaped throwing knives at the guy, knocking his gun out of his hands.

I jumped up while kicking him in the face. I ended up kicking off his gas mask and right away, he began bleeding. I grabbed him and threw him out of the room.

I felt someone place the tip of their gun at the back of my head. I turned around and see someone around my height. I quickly grabbed and twisted his wrist. He dropped the rifle and punched me in the jaw.

He punched a nerve that had me a little dazed. I went to punch him, but he grabbed my fist and stopped my punch. My eyes went wide. With just one hand, he tossed me to the other side of the room.

He's strong. He walked over to me, stomped down on my chest and stabbed two large daggers threw my hands, pinning me there! I had let out a scream.

"Nighty night, Batman, hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!!!!" The mysterious man laughed. Almost like Joker. But this man couldn't be Joker! His hair was long and black, but with a few blonde strands here and there and his eyes were purple!

"Who are you?!" I barked. Even with that gas mask on, I knew he was smirking. "They call me.... Teenage Joker!" He replied. "Teenage Joker? Very original." I said sarcastically.

"You're no hot shot yourself, Batman. A rat with wings who can't even fly! Now that's pathetic!" Teenage Joker sneered. That same van from out front had came crashing through the walls.

I could hear sirens in the distance. "Sir, there are cops on their way! We gots to beat it!" Said the driver. "Grab that large box of donations!" Teenage Joker ordered and the men did as he commanded.

"You're lucky I'm in a hurry, Batty! But it was nice to finally meet you!" He said, taking his foot off of me and ran inside the van and it drove off. Just as it left, the Teenage Joker looked out the window and removed his mask!

His face was sliced into a smile with stitching around it and it was all red around it! Thanks to the hole in the wall, the gas had went away. I let out a scream as I forced my hands up through the knives.

I looked around to make sure everyone was ok. Luckily, nobody was dead, just badly injured. I chased after the van and shot my grappling hook at a building.

I swung around, catching up with the van. I threw another bat shaped throwing knife and split open one of the back wheels. I threw another at the other back wheel.

Soon, the van spun out of control around the corner and I heard it crash. I jumped down from the building I was on and ran in that direction. I opened up the trunk, but nobody was inside! Just a bomb!

It only had four seconds left, so I quickly shut the door made a run for it. The van exploded, forcing me forward. There was fire around and I watched for a moment, making sure nobody was hurt.

I made my way back to the charity event. There were cops and a few ambulances. Many people were being hauled away by gurneys. "Batman! What happened?! Who were those men?!"

I heard Gordon say as he ran over to me. His eyes widened when he saw the blood on my hands from the daggers. "Some Joker copy cat. He called himself the Teenage Joker."

I answered, not looking at him. "Teenage Joker?! The one that's all over the newspaper?!" He asked. I nodded. I pressed a button on my utility belt and the Bat mobile drove its way over to me.

"Gordon, make sure everybody's safe. I'm going to do some research on this Teenage Joker. Signal for me if you find anything." I instructed. Without waiting for his response, I drove off.

[a/n] just letting you know, this is based off the animated series from 1992, not the movies.

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