Chapter Two

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Bruce's POV

I was sitting in front of my computer in the bat cave trying to figure out who this Teenage Joker really is. "Teenage Joker? My, what a frightening image that one is." Said Alfred who was bandaging my hands.

"Indeed, Alfred. However, I can't find any leads as to who he really is. Just articles of last week's news paper. Most of which are only sightings and theories of our Teenage Joker.

Tonight was the first he made a move by attacking the charity event I was hosting." I explained. "Ah yes, I hear the profit that was made did not go too well." Said Alfred. I glared at him for a moment.

"As for that gas, I took a sample from one of the gas tanks in the vents." I say, standing up and walking over to my chemistry set. I began to analyze the gases. "Hmm, this is a blend of tear gas and hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide is what cased all the bleeding."

I began. "But how would that make people bleed?' Alfred asked. "Simple. Watch what happens when I take regular hydrogen peroxide and inject it in a small bug." I told him. I opened up a small glass box that had a roach in it, and injected it with hydrogen peroxide.

At first the roach spazed out and made a screeching noise. Then, it exploded. "My word.." Said Alfred. "Of course, the human body can't explode because we're too big. But when we breathe in that much of it, it'll cause rapid bleeding.

No doubt that it caused internal bleeding as well." I explained. "I see. And the explosions it caused, Master Bruce?" He asked. "The explosions were caused by gun powder." I replied. Alfred raised an eyebrow.

"Gun powder?" He asked. I nodded. "That's right, Alfred. There were candles lit everywhere in the room. As soon as the gun powder made contact with the flames, boom. Though, there was very little gun powder to begin with.

More than likely to make sure the money doesn't blow up." I explained. "It was a miracle no one was killed." I finished. "I say. This Teenage Joker is quite the genius, and a nasty one at that." He said, pointing to my hands at the last part.

I looked down at my hands. "True. Of all the beatings I've taken, this was one of my worse injuries I've had. He definitely had intentions to kill." I say.

Teenage Joker's POV

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Look at all the loot we've got! Checks for thousands, 100 dollar bills, there's even a few pretty necklaces in here!" I laughed as we drove away in a car we jacked.

One of my men had a gun to the drivers head. "Not bad for your first heist, boss!" Another one of my men said. "Was there ever any doubt, Markus?" I say, smiling at him.

I see we were approaching the large warehouse of which I've taken shelter in. "DRIVER! Turn here!" I ordered. I heard him gulp. "Y-yes, sir." He whimpered. What a weak ass!

He pulled up to the warehouse and parked his car which was a light blue Honda. "Ok, I've taken you where you wanted. Can I please go now?!" The stupid man asked. I laughed and climbed to the front.

My men had gotten out and brought the money inside. "Very funny, Eric. But you know I can't let you leave now that you know where my hide out is." I said calmly.

"Please!! I won't tell anyone! I swear to god!" Eric pleaded. I chuckled softly. "Oh, I know you won't. 'Cause I'll make damn sure of it!" I say. I then punch him in his temple and he's out cold.

"Da'John! Take him to the basement." I ordered. A young dark skinned male approached the car. "On it!" He said, his voice low and deep. He didn't hesitate one bit and carried Eric inside.

I whistled as I made my way inside. I followed Da'John downstairs and watched as he placed our little guest into a nice comfy chair. He secured the metal restrains on his wrists and ankles and then tied his waist to the chair.

I walked to our sleeping guest and stood in front of him. Eric began to stir. "Wakey wakey sleepy head!" I said with a smile. "Huh? Where am I?" He asked.

"You're in my humble home, Eric, hee hee hee!" I giggled. "Wh-what's going on?! Why am I all tied up?!" He began to panic. "Oh, that. Well, I had to make sure you were comfortable, so I sat you down in my favorite chair.

The restrains are to make sure you don't fall off, AHAHAHAHAHAAAA!" I explained then laughed. He looked around until his eyes landed on my work bench that had all kinds of torturous devices! "M-Mr. T Joker, p-please! I-I said I wouldn't tell anybody!!!!"

He cried. "Ah, your screams are like music to me, Eric. And I know what you said, but do you remember me saying that I was going make damn sure that you won't?" I asked. He gulped again.

"Wh-what are you going to do to me?" Eric asked, shivering. "I'm glad you asked!" I said, pulling out five cards from my pocket. "One of these cards that I designed all by myself will decide for me!"

The cards I have look like regular playing cards, but each have a different design that have different pictures. "Y-you want me to pick a card? B-but that's not even a full deck!" Eric protested. "I know. These cards are special.

They will decide what happens to you. One however, will save your life! The other four will be the death of you! So choose wisely! Now, pick a card! Any card!" I say, holding the deck face down to his hand.

He just stared at me, shaking. "Would you rather have me decide for you?" I asked. His eyes widened even more. "N-n-no!" He then grabbed a random card with his middle and index fingers.

"Well? What does the card say?" I asked. Eric struggled on his words as he flipped the card over. The image was a monochrome colored clown with an evil smirk and two black question marks below it.

"Oooh! Goodie! That's my favorite one!!! Card number Two! The Joker's Choice card!" I say with glee. "J-Joker's Choice? Wh-what choice???" Eric asked. I knelt down a little so that I was eye level with him, given my height which is 6'3.

"It means I get to decide what happens to you! Heh heh heh heh heh!" I replied. "Tell me, Eric. Have you ever played Surgeon Simulator?" I asked. He shook his head no. "Oh well! It's a game on the App Store that lets you operate on patients.

I've always wanted to play that game for real! Now, thanks to you, I can finally play it!" I told. "S-so, we're going to play this Surgeon Simulator?" Eric asked.

"Oh yes!" I began, tying my hair up and putting on a surgical mask and gloves. "And you're the patient!" I say in a sneer yet I'm still smiling. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a steak knife.

I unbuttoned Eric's shirt and began cutting him open. He screamed at the top of his lungs and pleaded for help. "Scream all you want! These walls are sound proof so no one can hear you! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I laughed.

I kept cutting him open until I could see what his insides looked like. "Oh my, you're in need of a heart transplant! Better get on that right away!" I said. Eric continued to scream. I got out four hooks that are used to hold up meat.

I attached them to his skin and held them so he'd stay open. Some of my henchmen were behind me watching. I heard them gaging. One even puked a little! I placed one hand on one of his ribs and reached in.

I "accidentally" broke off that one rib, hee hee! "Ooops! My bad!" I said, pulling out what I grabbed. Eric coughed, screamed and gasped for air. "Uh oh! That's not your heart! That's your lung!

You probably didn't need that anyways, right?" I asked. Well, not anymore anyways! "Hmm, I don't think this surgery is going to work out. Sorry about that, Eric! But it looks like you're not getting that heart transplant after all."

I said, pretending to be sad. The frown caused the corners of my mouth to bleed where the stitches were. I quickly smiled again to lessen the pain. "What now, boss?" One of my men asked.

I stared at Eric's tear stained face. I sat down in front of him. "I think I'll keep our guest company until he falls asleep." I said, smiling evilly at Eric as I watched as he slowly died.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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