Chapter thirteen

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- Colby

I was dancing around, having fun, when someone grabbed my arm and started pulling me away. I turned around and seen a very pissed off Sam.

"What's going on!?" I yelled over the music. He didn't say anything, but I heard a familiar voice yelling after us. "Sam!" I yelled, trying to get him to stop. I pulled my arm around and he looked at me.

"What happened?!" I yelled. "Sam! Wait! Please let me explain!" Jessie said, running up to us. "Fuck that! Colby let's go!" Sam yelled. "Someone tell me what's going on!" I yelled. "Jessie was about to have sex with Brennen!" Sam said. I looked at Jessie. She couldn't even stand straight let alone know what she was doing. "No, it wasn't like that!" she said, but her speech was slurred. A lot.

"Lets go!" Sam yelled, pulling my arm again. I gave Jessie a sympathetic look right before Sam dragged me out the door.

- Jessie

I sat on the ground outside against the wall and cried. Well, Sam's never gonna talk to me again. I have sobered up a little. I wiped away my tears and cleared my throat. I got out my phone and called, pretty much my only friend now. Alex. She picked up on the second ring.

(J- Jessie, A- Alex)

A- Hello?

J- Alex... Can you come pick me up?

A- why? What happened?

J- I'll tell you later... Just... Please?

A- okay, I'll be there in 10.

She hung up and I sighed. "Fuck..." I said to myself, closing my eyes and laying my head back.

"Hey, what's wrong?" someone asked. I opened my eyes and seen a guy crouched down in front of me. He had dyed blond hair with a little bit of blue in it and it was in a quiff, and he looked kinda young.

"Its a... Really long story." I said, wiping the other tears from my face. "What happened? A girl as pretty as you shouldn't have tears coming out of her eyes." He said. I laughed and shook my head. "I don't even know your name." I said. He gave me a small smile.

"I'm Kian Lawley." he said, giving me his hand to shake. I smiled and took his hand. "I'm Jessie." I said. "Now that we know each other, tell me what's bugging you. Do I need to beat someone up for you? Because I will be happy to." he said. I laughed and shook my head. "Um, basically -" I was cut off by the door opening and Brennen came through it.

"Jessie, I found you! What's wrong beautiful?" he said once he seen I was crying. You could smell the alcohol in him from a mile away. "Leave me the fuck alone Brennen!" I yelled, standing up. He took a step towards me and tried to grab my hand but I jerked it away. "Leave her alone dude." Kian said. "Woah, is this your body guard? Your boyfriend? Wow, you fuck everyone don't you?" Brennen said. I felt even more tears form.

"Fuck you Brennen!" I yelled. "You were going to, but I'm good now..." he said. "Hey, how about you shut the Fuck up, maybe?" Kian said. "Gladly." Brennen said before he went back inside. "Are you okay?" Kian said. I nodded and looked down.

"What happened?" he asked for the 3rd time. I sighed and told him what happened. "Well, if this Sam guy is as nice as you say he is, he'll understand. Give it time." he said. I smiled and looked down. "Thanks." I said. He opened his arms. "Can I have a hug?" he asked. I laughed and hugged him. A car horn was enough to make us separate because I knew who it was. "Thanks Kian. See ya." I said, walking away. He gave me a smile and a wave before he went back inside. "Who is that?" Alex asked as I got in the car. "Kian. He's a nice guy." I said. "And kinda cute." She said. I laughed and she started driving. "So are you gonna tell me why my best friend was crying or not?" she said. I bit my lip and nodded. "Okay... Um... Well basically..." 


2 more chapters!! Oh nooo! Is it bad I've actually gotten attached to these characters?

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