Chapter Ten: From Killer, To Lover

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Azer was sleeping soundly, until the vibrations of his phone woke him. He tried to ignore it, but it was as if the vibrations got louder and louder by the second. Eventually, he turned over and peeked at his phone. The brightness of the screen was blinding, so it made him squint his eyes. He then realized he had about ten messages from Liv.

They read: Meet @ Mitchy's dressing room now!, Where are you?!, THIS IS IMPORTANT!, WAKE UP!, HURRY!, etc.

Azer quickly jumped out of bed, put on his sneakers, and nearly ran to the dressing room. Although it was summer, it was really early in the morning--meaning the temperature was in the low 40s. On top of that, they were on a cruise in the middle of the ocean--making it even colder.

As Azer arrived to the dressing room, he noticed the five teens sitting. It almost felt like an intervention. Considering he had just shared a passionate kiss with Sam the previous night, he couldn't help but feel like they knew.

Liv stood up. "Azer...good we're all here." She confirmed. "Look. I can definitely speak for all of us by saying that Charlie Wind is at the top of our suspect list. Those remarks that he made during the share circle activity, were hints. He knows that we know something. We can't allow him to be one step ahead of us!" She stated firmly. "That is why we are going to have to get evidence. We can't prove that he is what we say he is, without it."

"What are you suggesting?" Azer asked.

"I am saying that we need proof that he had something to do with Irene's murder. We're gonna have to search his bunker." Liv clarified.

"Oh, no! These are things we definitely need to avoid. Especially, with Charlie being our number one suspect." Azer exclaimed.

"What other options are there, Azer?" Dominique jumped in. "It's now or never. He could kill us on this trip. I am willing to do anything to prevent that from happening."

"Okay, let's say we go through with this. How are we going to do it, without Charlie finding out?" Azer questioned.

"Sam..." Pierre suggested.

Azer's heart began pounding. "WH-what about Sam?"

"Sam could be our distraction." Pierre clarified.

Azer did not like the sound of Sam getting involved in all of this, but he kind of already was. "No. No way! Sam stays out of this, okay?"

Mitchy stood in the corner with her arms crossed. "It's not a bad idea, Azer. As far as we know, Sam isn't one of Charlie's targets. He won't suspect a thing."

"WH-what do you want Sam to do?" Azer panicked.

"Sam? He could literally have a one hour conversation about why carrots should always be dipped in tapatio. He'll be fine...promise." Liv assured him.

Azer hesitated. "O-okay."

"So it's settled. This afternoon, we find the proof we need." Liv smiled.

The teens returned to their bunkers, before anyone noticed they were gone. Breakfast was scheduled for 9am--followed by church service at 10am. Charlie was the preacher for the youth retreat. He stood on the podium holding a microphone, passionately spreading the word of Jesus Christ. His bright blue eyes gave off the impression that he could see right through you. He knew how hard it was to maintain a Christian lifestyle, so he spoke from his heart.

Azer sat next to Sam during service. The amount of awkwardness between the two, could not get any worse. Neither one of them brought up the kiss, but instead avoided any form of communication between each other.

Suddenly, Azer turned to Sam. "Sam?" He whispered.

Sam turned rapidly. "Yes?" His brown pupils expanded, as his heart raced.

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