'Lazy Lover' Chap. 4-Part.2

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@Rosie246810 is now Weston's girlfriend!! Congrats! There are still many more spots to be filled! 


"Aye I'll see y'all later. I gotta find Ros-" Weston started to say before Rosie came up.

"Hey guys! Omg it's Hayes Grier!" Rosie said smiling as Weston kissed Rosie's cheek

I zoned out, Rosie was so pretty. She has long brown hair, amazing attitude... Everything I'm not. I was intruded out of my thoughts by Blake and Weston clapping in front of my face 

"I gotta go to class bye Storm." Hayes said hugging me and going to the West wing. 

"Yeah let's get to class guys." I said as Blake walked with me

"Hey Storm." Blake said in a girly voice

"You really wanna be a girl don't you?" I said laughing. I heard someone yell my name from behind me. I turned around to find Zachry Reed Clayton

"Ayeeee it's  Grier!" Zach yelled, I soon saw Julian and Jovani behind him

"Ayeee it's Clayton and my favorite Goonies!" I yelled continuing to walk with Blake

==Skip to class==

I sat in class because Blake was one year ahead of me he was in the 9th grade classes

"Hey loser. Don't have any friends," Callie Thomas said in her high pitched voice that makes my ears bleed "It's ok, if they hate you as much as you're dad does, then maybe you should kill yourself." she said trying to sound sad

"Don't bring up my dad." I said getting mad that she brought up my dad

"I'll leave you alone if you give me a shout out  on Insta and eff it Twitter." She said trying to be cool and saying eff. 

"Never in a million years. You're too rude, didn't your parents teach you manners? Unlike you people like me because I'm not fake. Yeah sometimes I have to lie to my fans because I don't want them to worry about me or get inside my very personal life. I don't use guys like you, in fact, last that I knew you were dating Jason, but that was yesterday, you have to have a new boyfriend. You live off of popularity. Unlike you I don't need people to give me follows. Unlike you my followers are real. You make me sick!" I yelled getting mad. Next thing I knew I felt a sharp pain in my gut, I fell to the ground. I felt another sharp pain in my back, then a sharp pain in my jaw. I felt this consent pain in my gut. I realised I was being punched and kicked. Everything went blurry and the pain went away, then the room went black.

I woke up in the nurse's office. I felt like I was just hit by a truck. I saw the nurse walk in, why couldn't I remember anything. I remember Hayes, Nash and my family but nothing else. Why can't I remember? 

A girl with brown hair walked in with a blonde boy. They look like I've seen them but I can't put my finger on who they were.

"Hey Storm. You're finally awake we have been waiting for hours!" The blonde said going to hug me

"Umm don't touch me." I said shoving him away from me, he looked at me with hurt in his eyes

"Don't you remember me? Weston, your best friend?" the blonde who I'm guessing is named Weston

"Doesn't ring a bell." Then I saw my mom walk in

"Mommy!" I said getting up but then the nurse told me to lay back down. My mom hugged me 

"Are you ok? We are going straight home." My mom said as the nurse guided the 2 kids out. My head started to hurt really bad, then the room went black.


A/N Hey y'all!  Sorry if it's bad. I have been really busy. Dm me if you wanna be someone's girlfriend. Should Zariel be a thing in my book? Buttttttt yeah bye babes! Madi xx

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