Chapter 13

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This chapter is dedicated to my Best Friend in the whole world. (I hope she doesn't kill me when she reads this, fingers crossed!) Now enjoy!!!!!

Bree's POV

I sit as everyone's eyes are on me, again.

"So, what's the plan now that we have the spell book." Jason asks as he sits on the table in front of me.

"I don't know, I think there might be something in here that might help us." I answer honesty.

But my mind still refuses to let the image of Leo's lifeless body out of my head.

"Bree, you there?" I feel someone tap me. Shaking my head I turn and look at Jason who has a sad smile on, probably knowing what I was thinking of.


"I think you should go rest and we'll talk about this tomorrow."

I shake my head. "No, I need to figure this out, for you guys, for Chris," I sigh. "For Leo."

Jason looks at me for a long time before nodding. "I understand." He then gets up offering me his hand? "Here, let me help you, do you know what you're looking for exactly?" He questioned.

"I don't know yet, just something that could help us, anything really."

"Ok," He sighs. "So what can we do?"

I look up at him, not knowing what to say. If I hadn't had lost my dad's other spell book this would have been easier.

"Just go rest, I'll probably have found a spell by tomorrow-"

"No, your not staying up all night by yourself."


"I'm staying with you," He says in a demanding voice before turning around to the group who are watching us closely, especially me as if they're expecting me to attack them. "Everyone go upstairs and rest, we'll wake you up if we," He stressed the word before finishing. "Find anything, alright?"

Everyone nods but Katelen.

She's about to say something when Emma interrupts her, yelling. "Yay, finally, I can catch up on my beauty sleep." Before rushing to the stairs and practically sprinting upstairs.

I laugh as I see the whole group looking after Emma. I swear if it wasn't for her personality, there would have been some serious fights by now.

"So," Jason says as I start to look through the spell book, but page after page I still can't find anything that can help us, not in stopping the Yeti or anything useful.

"So," I mimic.

"Are you-"

"Mocking you, no." I finish his sentence.

He laughs.

"Have you found anything yet." He asks as he scoots closer to me.

"No, I just can't seem to find anything use-" I stop mid-sentence as my eyes flicker down to the page again. "Wait! I think I found something."

"What, what is it?"

"Wait." I hush him as I look over the spell. Ok...

"Ok, all we need is a few things..." I trail off, not knowing how to tell him this.

"Like what?"

"A sword, gem and um...."

"What? What's the last thing we need- Wait hold up, I have to call the group down here so they can hear you, you know so you don't have to explain yourself twice." He rushes as he runs to the bottom of the stairs.

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