Chapter 16

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Bree's P.O.V

I felt the tears fall down my cheeks as I got up.

"Bree?" Jason called cautiously. "Are you alright?"

I shook my head. "Lets just get this over with." I can't deal with anymore deaths.

He nodded his head.

I turned and looked at Daneil who was wide eyed.


"I-she...she's gone." He murmured to himslef. "She's really gone."

I walked towards him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"I know, but we need to do this, for her."

He nodded.

"Yeah, lets just get this over with, I just want to see my family again."

"So how are we going to do this now?" Katelen asked but there was a difference in the tone of her voice. Like she wasn't being sarcastic or mean like she usually is.

"We just need him up here." I answered. "And I'll worry about the rest."

"Ok but how do we do that?" Jason asked.

"He knows."

"He knows what, that this is a trap?" Daniel asked as he paced around in circles. "Of course he does!" He ranted on. "He's going to kill us all!"

"Jason, calm him down, please." I told Jason before going to the seam of the hill.

Looking down, I took a deep breathe. "Guys hide behind the trees ok?" I told them as I slightly turned to look at them. "I'm going to call him up."

Once I saw that they were fully hidden from sight, I turned back and at the top of my lungs I yelled. "Dad! Come up here! I know you know we're up here waiting for you! Show yourself!"

About a minute later a loud roar was heard, making me hold the gem in my hand tighter.

When I started to feel the ground shake under me, I stepped back quickky to the spot that had more light shining through.

I hope he hurries before it gets too dark or we're all doomed.


'I'm here'  Sounded loudly in my head.

I stared up at my dad, the Yeti as he stood on his two feet making him look bigger, the fangs in his mouth dripping red blood onto his white fur and his claws a red mess.

I stared at him a bit longer trying to forget that all that blood he had on himself was from Emma, a person I could have saved.

'Are you alone?"

I shook my head.

'Or are you here to try and save your supposed new friends now, after everything they did to you?!" His loud and angry voice asked me.

"What I did was wrong and I'm paying all the consequences now, do you know how many innocent people died for me on my name to save me? No, you don't!" I accused him. "Just stop, I'm giving you a chance dad, I don't want to hurt you."

'Yeah but what about all the pain they caused you! Does that not mean anything? All the tears those bastards made you cry!?! Your my daughter and my job is to protect you and only you!!'

"And at what cause! Killing everyone till I'm all alone! Leaving all their deaths tattooed into my memory, the guilt eating me slowly until I go crazy? Is that what you want!?!"

'Just listen to yourself, you sound just like your mother!'

A gasp escaped my lips at the mention of my mother. "Is she dead?" I dreadfully asked.

'No, but at this rate I'll just end up killing her too!'

"Too?" I questioned.

'You heard me. If I have to kill you to kill the rest of the people who have made your life miserable I will! Do you hear me, so stay out of my way or else.' He threatened.

"So I guess your not taking my offer then?"

He laughed bitterly.

"Ok then you leave me no choice." I told him, my voice a little bit horse from all the yelling I've done.

'And what can you do to stop me, please, don't make me laugh!'

"Oh, I can do a lot." I answered his mocking as I took out the sword from the side of my pants, the rhinestones shining from the light behind us. I have to hurry before it's gone or this won't work.

'How did you get that?"

"I have my ways, I'm giving you one last chance dad, give up. I don't want to have to do this." I pleaded him.

'You don't scare me, without the gem you can't do anything to harm me. And if you do, who will love you then, no one because your a murderer, it's your fault all those said innocent people died!'

"That's not true!" I yelled. "Its not my fault it's yours! You should have fought for me when they took me away!"

I slowly held out the gem in my hand, making his eyes widen.

"I guess I have the upper hand now, don't I?"

Moving up to where the light shined best, I held the gem up high and with my other hand I held the sword, and ignoring all his pleads, my hand swung down hard on the mark of the gem on his heart.

But as he fell down, black blood oozing out of his chest, my tears fell down too.

I just killed my dad.

I just killed my dad.

I just killed my dad!

We're the only things that ran through my head.

"We did it! We did it!"

I turned around and saw Daneil dancing around while shaking his hands in the air.

"We did it!" He kept yelling.

"Jason-" My voice cracked, the emotions getting too much for me to handle.

"Just come here," He said soothingly before wrapping me in his warm embrace.

"I just-"

"Shhhh, it's ok, you did it for a good reason."

I nodded my head as he ran his fingers through my hair, trying to calm my shaking body.

"We did-"

"Daniel stop being inconsiderable!" I heard Katelen's voice lecturing Daniel.

"Why, that monsters finally dead. So I'm going to keep singing and dancing!! We dijsbbdbjdh-"

I turned my head just in time to see my dad claw Daniel in half.

'You didn't really think I would go down so easily now did you?'

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