Chapter 15

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Jason's POV

We all stared at Bree waiting for an answer, since she was the only one who could really answer the question.

"Look, I don't know yet, but I think we should just start setting things up until we have a way to do so. We can't waste any time." She said instead as she went around and to the big brown couch behind us, grabbing the sword and gem before she headed towards the door.

"Are you guys coming or not?" She threw over her shoulder as she started walking outside.

We all nodded as we followed her out.

"So does like, the Yeti like blood?" Emma asked, her voice a bit shaky from the cold wind blowing outside.

Bree turned around almost immediately, giving her a questioning look before some sort of realization crossed her face.

"That's it, Emma your a genius!" She shouted before stopping and turning around to look at us.

"Blood?" Daniel questioned. "How is that supposed to help us?"

"If we can somehow get blood, we can use it to bribe the Yeti up the hill and get him where we want him." Bree explained as she motioned us back to the front doors of the mansion.

"Except," Katelen said making us turn and look at her. "There are a few holes in your little plan."

"Like what?" Bree asked, irritation lacing her voice.

"Like, not actually having blood at our disposition." She said smirking at Bree as she saw how riled up she was getting her. "Or how someone has to stay down here to actually lure the Yeti up the hill while we prepare and set up."

"She's right about that," I added. "And the person who stays has to be able to run pretty fast in order not to be caught and killed."

"I know," Bree huffed. "But we need to take one problem at a time."

I nodded.

"Ok, so are main concern is blood-"

"Are there any wild animals around?" I asked, cutting Bree off.

"I don't think- wait, yeah, there are some wild bores in the back of the mansion, near the west part of the forest." She answered as she made weird hand motions with her hands, a habit, I've noticed she makes when she's happy she's figured something out. (You should seriously see her in math class, it's hilarious!)

"Alright now that we have the blood problem figured out, who the hell is going to stay here and lure that thing up when we're ready?" Katelen asked while looking among us but her gaze seemed to be glued on Bree, as if already insinuating her answer.


"I'll do it." Emma said cutting me off, making us all turn and look at her.


"I said, I'm going to do it."

"Emma, you don't have to do it." Katelen said as she stood up. "It should be Bree who stays, I mean we all know her little dad won't harm-"

Katelen didn't get to finish her sentence when Bree stood up abruptly and slapped her across the face with such force Katelen almost fell down.

"Look Katelen, I'm tired of your constant nags and jabs at me!" Bree yelled, angrily. "Stop blaming me for everything, it's not always my fault!"


"No!" She yelled. "I'm going to get this off my chest."

"Bring it-" Katelen sad before she was cut off.

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