~Biebers Got A Fever~ (A Short Story)

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Okay, YES this is a LOVE story...and its all sweet. I promise his life wont be in danger. And this will more than likley be about 3 chaps. SO. 

I still hope you enjoy:D Cause I think this is adorable!


My fingers drummed on the key board of my laptop. All I was really doing was checking my twitter and all the new gossip it held. As per usual something about Justin was trending. I smiled to myself as I observed the hype over his tour. I tweeted a fan back and watched as my mentions blew up. I retweeted a few of them before I heard the door to the room in the tour bus open. A tired, sick looking Justin walked in. His eyes were droopy and sad looking and his posture was slouchy. I frowned, I knew he wasn’t feeling well, but he had assured me he’d felt good enough to go on with the tour. I set my computer down on the bed side table and sat up. “What’s wrong baby?” I asked. His lips twitched up in an attempted smile and he shrugged. He coughed slightly before sighing. “You don't feel good do you?” I asked. He shook his head limply. I sighed; it killed me to see him like this. “Come here” I whispered, patting the bed. He crawled up onto it and laid his head in my lap. He stared up at me lightly. “Well first off, no talking” I scolded. He pursed his lips in a pout, but nodded. I took my hand and laid it on his forehead. He was beyond burning up. “Oh, Justin” I sighed. He brought his hand up and held my hand onto his forehead, closing his eyes. “That feels good doesn’t it?” I asked. I felt him nod under my hand.

            “My poor baby” I cooed, raking my other fingers through his hair. He released the hand I held on his forehead and moved it to his cheek opening his eyes. “I’ll take care of you alright?” I asked. He nodded. “But I am calling Scooter, and your mom” I said. He pouted again, but agreed. I moved off the bed and stepped out into the other room. I picked up my cell phone, dialed Scooters number and pushed it to my ear when it started ringing. While I held it between my ear and my shoulder, I moved to the medicine cabinet to find some medicine. “Hello?” he answered. “Hey Scooter” I said. “Natalie, what’s up?” he asked. “Justin’s sick, really sick” I whispered. He sighed, “That's not good.” “I know I'm going to give him some Tylenol to break his fever and some cold meds” I said. “Glad you know what you’re doing, I’ll call the doc and Pattie” he said. “Okay, whenever we stop I’ll see you then” I replied. The phone went silent and I slipped it back into my pocket as I grabbed a Tylenol bottle and some Nyquil PM. I walked back into the kitchen of the bus, grabbed a glass of water and a dry erase board and marker we kept for to do lists. With all this in hand I moved back into the bedroom.

 “Hey JB, sit up for me okay?” I asked. His eyes flickered open and he sat up. I set a few things down and handed him two Tylenol pills.“Take these” I said, giving him the glass of water. He swallowed them.“And these” I said, handing him the cold pills. He swallowed those too.I took the empty glass from him and then said,“Change into warm PJ pants and a long sleeved shirt, we have to get you to sweat out your fever Bieber.”He grinned silently and nodded, then got up to change. I pulled back the blankets on the bed and then turned around to see a shirtless Bieber. He was yummy, even when he was sick! He was tying the string to his pants and he looked up at me smirking tiredly. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.My head rested on his bare chest and I sighed.

“I don't like you sick” I whispered. He breathed out in a sigh, as if to say, “I know.” He pressed his lips to my hair and I looked up at him.“Alright, as much as I hate to say it, get your shirt on” I sighed. His chest moved with what I assumed was laughter, without sound.When I let go of him he put on a long sleeved shirt and walked over to the bed, crawling under the covers. I moved back over and handed him the dry erase board and the purple marker.“You need to say ANYTHING you write it here, got it?” I asked. He uncapped the marker and scribbled out a message. He turned it to face me and I read.

*Got it, I love you Nat*

“I love you too Justin” I smiled.He sighed and sat it on the bedside table on his side. I got up on the bed on top on the covers by his side and sat up against the headboard. He snuggled his face up to my thigh and sighed.“Alright, sleep” I said. I didn’t have to tell him twice, he was out just like that.I smiled to myself and then picked up my computer and got back onto my Twitter. I posted a new status to let everyone know what was going on.

*Justin’s not feeling too well, so send him your love! #BiebersGotAFever*

It was trending within 5 minutes.

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