~Biebers Got A Fever~ (A Short Story *Final Chapter*)

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*CRIES* Its all over you guys!:'( Ive never finished a story before though, so I'm happy too! 

I want to thank iSophiaBieber for helping me with this chapter and I have to say that shes been through alot today, and she deserves this dedication! Thank you sweetheart for everything you've done! Way to go. Keep being you! I hope you enjoy this one even more than anyone else!:D



_Justin’s P.O.V_

            I paced back and forth in my room on the tour bus. I tried as hard as I could not to make any noise, because Natalie was asleep in the bed. She had been up all night with me, because for some reason my body decided it walked to make me cough all night. There was even a point when my throat was swollen closed and she came to the rescue like she always did. She rubbed my chest and throat with this cream stuff and BAM I could breathe again. Just like that. And I stopped coughing. Now I felt fine. But I still hadn’t talked in almost 5 days. I was afraid that if I talked, nothing would come out. At all. What would become of me then? Today would be the biggest day of my life in MANY ways.

_Nat’s P.O.V_

            I woke up and saw Justin pacing back and forth in front of the TV. I laid there and just watched him for a second, partially waking up each time he walked across the path of my vision. “Justin…what’s wrong?” I asked and brushed my hair back out of my face. He turned to me and snapped out of it, stopping his paces, then grabbed his board and wrote down a message.

*Nothing. Nothing’s wrong*

 He gave me a smile and a thumbs up, trying to convince me. “Mkay. If that’s what you say” I smiled back.  Grabbing some clothes and going to the bathroom to change. When I was done, I stared at myself in the mirror and thought about my life, what was going to become of me? I have the best life I could ever imagine…but I couldn’t stop asking myself if it was going to stay that way. I shook off these thoughts as I heard footsteps outside the door and then the knob twisted and Justin walked in. “What’s wrong?” I asked. He shook his head. Which meant "nothing". He closed the door behind him and faced me in the cramped space of the bathroom. “Are you nervous?” I asked. He shrugged. “Then say something” I offered. He shook his head no again.

I sighed, then ran a hand through his soft hair. “You’ll be fine” I smiled. Then grabbed his hand and walked out of the bathroom and into the living room. Pattie, the doctor and Scooter were waiting. When did they get here?  “Alright, let’s see how you’re doing Justin.” The doc said, setting his stuff down on the counter. Justin gave me a quick glance, trying to hide his nervousness before hopping up to sit on the small breakfast bar connected to the kitchen. I gave him a re-assuring smile, and then sat down next to his mom and Scooter on the couch.

The doctor instructed him to take off his shirt again. Which was enjoyable for me. He did as he was told and the doc stuck the stethoscope on his chest, then told him to breathe. After all the rest of the normal tests and Justin actually saying “Ahhh” when he was asked we all stood up. We waited anxiously for the verdict. “He's fine” the doctor smiled. We all cheered and I happy danced with Pattie. This caused a laugh from Justin. This caused us to turn in his direction. “Well, you can talk now kid, say something” Scooter said. Justin bit his bottom lip, before shaking his head. He grabbed his board and wrote.

*I can’t*

            “Technically you can, you just don't want to” the doctor explained. Justin nodded and hung his head in shame. “Aww, baby its okay, no one here is mad at you” I cooed, walking up and hugging him. This was more difficult that it sounds considering he was still sitting on the breakfast bar. “Well, were in Denver and you have your rescheduled concert tomorrow. I suggest you rest while you can” Pattie smiled. We both nodded. “Cherish your last few free hours” Scooter added. Justin smiled. “We will” I said. “I'm sure” he replied. “We will be on the other bus if anything comes up okay?” Pattie smiled. We nodded. She left the bus with the doctor. “You going too Scooter?” I asked. “Yeah, I just have to tie my…shoe” he stated. I nodded…okay? Justin grabbed his board and wrote down a message, before showing it to me.

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