~Biebers Got A Fever~ (A Short Story *Chapter 2*)

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Hey everyone:D Heres another chapter! And Its only getting sweeter! But its almost over:(


__4 Hours Later__

            I was deep in the best part of my new book, when Justin rolled and stretched. I stuck my book mark in it and set it down. “Good morning sleeping beauty” I laughed. His hair was stuck up in a weird array. When he sat up I let an “Eww” slip. He looked at me alarmed, completely missing the fact that he was drenched in sweat. I guess his fever broke. “Your covered in sweat” I answered. He looked down, then made a face and stuck out his tongue. “Gross right?” I asked. He laughed silently and nodded. I looked over at the clock. “Well, you slept for like four hours…its 11:30 PM” I said. He shrugged then watched as I got up. “I think you should take the shower, our stops in like 20 minutes” I commented. He reached for his board and wrote on it.

*Will you join me?*

            I laughed, “No.” He frowned then scribbled on his board again.

*Pllleeaasseee? I'm not contagious anymore!*

            I laughed again and shook my head. He stood up and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me. “Your not getting anything until you can talk again” I stated. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off as I pushed my finger tip to his soft pink lips. “Don't push it Bieber, you may not be contagious, but your still sick” I sighed. He kissed my finger, before biting it playfully. “Ow!?” I laughed. He smirked and laughed as well, this time it was barely audible. “No sound! Now go get in the shower so you’re not stinky when your mother gets here” I demanded playfully. He let go and hung his head. “You know I love you sicky poo, but you need to be clean” I smiled. He looked up and narrowed his eyes. I sighed, giving in, and placed a sweet kiss on his cheek. It was salty…eww…again. He beamed and walked off to get a clean set of clothes and jumped in the shower.

            __15 mins later__

            Justin was drying his hair with a towel when he opened the bathroom door; it was only seconds later when the bus stopped and Scooter, Pattie and the tour doctor rushed on. They sat him down on the bed, which  I was already cross legged on in the first place and did all the check out stuff. The doctor looked at his throat, checked his breathing. This was easy because he was still shirtless from his shower. (He was now in only black basketball shorts) When the doctor stepped away to give his diagnosis, Justin leaned back onto me. “Well, I have good and bad news” he said. “Good first” I said. Justin nodded. “Natalie did good by getting meds in you” he started. “Your fever broke, which means the cold part of this is on its way out and your no longer contagious” he said.

            Justin looked at me and smirked and I shook my head. The doctor continued, “Keep taking cold meds and you should be fine by Saturday.” Everyone –except Justin- cheered. “But” the doctor said. “But?” I asked. He nodded, “But however, your voice is a different and entirely worse matter.” Scooter gasped. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Well, his vocal chords are inflamed; his voice has been under so much stress that it's worn out. I don't recommend you do the show on Monday Mr. Bieber” he said. Justin’s face fell. This was the one thing he never wanted to happen. “Don't talk until Tuesday, drink mint tea with honey and you should be back to normal” he added. Justin motioned for his board and I handed it to him. He scrawled out his message.

*I’ve NEVER canceled a show before and I can’t let my fans down. I HAVE to go on*

            “If you do, you risk permanently hurting your voice” the doctor warned, then left the room. Scooter and Pattie followed him out. Justin was up and pacing the room. “Baby, stop pacing, and your making me nervous” I pleaded. He stopped. He walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed. Grabbing his board he showed me the same message as before. “I know Justin, but the thing is, they will understand. I PROMISE. They know you’ll reschedule. And I know most of them would rather you cancel the show than hurt yourself by going on” I whispered. He shook his head and erased the message, writing a new one.

*I don't believe you*

            “Fine, if you don't believe me, believe them. Check your Twitter right now” I said, handing him his I-Phone. He sighed; looking from me to it, then set the board down and laid his head in my folded legs again. His phone held up above his face, I grabbed the remote and started looking for a movie on TV. This was when Scooter walked in. He stopped in front of us and smiled. Justin lowered his phone to see what Scooter had to say. “We have to reschedule buddy, it's the only way. But I love you for doing this –he started, motioning towards Justin and his phone- tweet your fans, hang out with Nat. But try not to leave this bed, rest and NO TALKING” he said. Justin nodded, smiling hopefully. Scooter nodded then turned to me. “Take care of him Natalie” he said. “No problem, see you in Denver” I smiled. Scooter nodded again before leaving the bus.

            I looked back down at Justin to see him smiling up at his phone. He needed his fans at a moment like this and they would be a big part of him recuperating. 

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