Gifts and Shadows

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Chapter Twenty-one

May your dreams of the past be the reality of your future.  -Anonymous

Gifts and Shadows

The afternoon sun shone hot and bright as Alana made her way to the church, carrying a few of the pages of sheet music Erik had given her. Since the morning, she’d been unable to sit still; all she could think of was receiving that reply from her letter to Madame Marguerite. Waiting to find out the condition of her father was unbearable.

But as soon as she placed her fingers on the shining white keys of the church piano, a sense of peace came over her, and though she struggled to play through her songs on her own, in time she became completely absorbed in the music. While she played, and later practiced her singing, she felt she could almost hear Erik’s voice, coaching her and encouraging her the whole way through, as if he were really there.

After she’d sung the last note of one of her songs, she was startled to hear the sanctuary door open.

“Alana?” Her cousin stood in the doorway on the other side of the room, looking astonished. “Is that you?”

“Yes,” Alana answered, slightly embarrassed that Cerise had walked in while she was singing. “I was just practicing.”

“Incredible,” Cerise marveled, walking down the aisle toward her. “That was practice? Alana, I stood outside the door for a full ten minutes, just listening to you sing. You’re amazing.” Her eyes glowed with praise.

Alana stepped back, stunned. “Oh, no, I’m not, I still have a lot to learn…”

“Don’t be so modest, cousin,” Cerise said. “You’re wonderful. And what’s this?” She noticed the sheet music at the piano. “You play, as well? My, someone’s accomplished!”

“Oh, no,” Alana stammered. “I’m only just learning to play. I can scarcely play anything.”

“Well, there’s no denying you can sing. You simply must join the choir! Once everyone hears you, you’ll be getting all the solos!” Cerise said excitedly.

Alana didn’t know what to think. She’d seen the way Erik’s eyes brightened when she sang, and she’d also been corrected by him if she made a mistake. He knew she wasn’t a perfect singer. “I’m not all that good, Cerise,” Alana said. “When I have lessons…”

“Lessons? But who’s teaching you?” Cerise asked, confused. “You can’t be having lessons here…you only just arrived!”

“Erik’s teaching me.” Just saying his name out loud set her heart racing.

“Oh. Well, he must be an excellent teacher, though you’re obviously naturally talented. Come on, Alana, we have to go at once to Mother and tell her you want to be in the choir! You do want to, don’t you?”

Alana thought of what Erik would say…he would like her to take this opportunity to practice even more and perform for others…it would help her grow as a singer. She felt it was something he would approve of. Maybe he would come and see her sing with the choir on Sundays. She smiled at the thought, then turned to her cousin and said, “Yes, I think I do.” She took up her pages of sheet music and left with Cerise.

When they came outside, they saw a very fine carriage--but not quite as elegant as the one she had ridden in yesterday--stopped in front of the house. Still, Alana knew at once that it belonged to the Comte de Bellamy.

“Oh. My. Goodness,” Cerise whispered. “What’s he doing here?”

“I don’t know,” Alana said, every bit as surprised as her cousin.

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