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Chapter 35


“The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe. I know that ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always—take any form—drive me mad!” –Emily Bronte

Christine stood by the window, watching the rain fall and trying not to look at her own tearful reflection in the glass pane. Though a warm fire was blazing on the other side of the bedroom, she shivered, feeling cold and numb all over.

The world had been forever changed.

She didn’t know how things could go on, now that he was gone.

As she stood there gazing out at the gloomy evening, she recalled a time not so long ago, a time she wished she could return to, so that she could alter the events that had taken place then and would not have to feel this way now. The memory of Raoul’s words whispered into her mind…

“You said yourself, he was nothing but a man…yet while he lives, he will haunt us ‘til we’re dead…”

“You’re wrong, Raoul.”

“What was that?”

Christine started at her husband’s voice. She hadn’t realized she’d spoken out loud, and she’d also forgotten he was in the room with her. She turned to him and he looked at her, confusion and concern on his face as he put on an elegant blue jacket. It was almost time for supper, Christine recalled vaguely. She didn’t want to go. She couldn’t imagine eating now…or doing anything, for that matter.

“Christine?” Raoul moved closer to her, and she took a step back away from him. “What am I wrong about?”

So many things. Christine felt herself trembling all over and her voice quivered as she said, “He won’t stop, you know.” She saw frustration emerge on Raoul’s face as he realized what she was talking about, but she couldn’t help but continue. “He may be dead…but he’s not gone. He’s still there, in my mind.” She shivered again. “He’ll always be there.”

Her husband sighed and put his hands on her shoulders, but she flinched at his touch and walked across the room. “It’s over, Christine. Things will change in time. I know they will.”

“You know nothing!” she shouted. “He’s been a part of me for so long…his body may have been destroyed, but his spirit…it’s still there. And it always will be. I can still hear him, even now. His music, his voice, it’s stronger than ever.” She put her hand to her head. “Don’t you see? I can never escape it. We’ll never be free of him.”

“Christine, I…”

“It shouldn’t have happened the way it did.” Christine shuddered at the memory of the man being broken body and soul the night before. “We should have tried to reconcile with him, to make our peace! Then, maybe, we could have been free!”

“We are free! He’s dead, and gone. He can’t hurt us anymore, not if we don’t let him.” Raoul turned his back on her to face the mirror on the wall and adjust his hair.

“Erik…” Christine could hardly speak the word. “Erik was his name…why did I never ask him for his name?” Tears sprang to her eyes as memories of every word he’d spoken, every song he’d sung, everything he’d ever done in the years she’d known him all rushed through her mind at once. There were so many things he had done for her, and in all that time, what had she done for him? Not even asked him what his name was.

Raoul caught sight of her crying in the mirror’s reflection. “Sweetheart.” He moved closer to her, and this time, Christine did not back away. She let him pull her into an embrace. “I think you should see a doctor…”

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