Ch. 4- Purple Orchid

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~{A/N:}~ Edits and any additions were added by my go-to gal, Sarah aka AussieChickadee.

After a long day of classes, I finally got to head back to the common room. I didn't even bother saying hello to the others in there. Not like they noticed anyway. I'm kind of invisible to everyone. Then again, people could just be avoiding me because they figured out that I'm Professor Snape's daughter. I'm betting on the former though. Either way, I couldn't care less. I've never been the type of person to care about what other people think. Despite the downfalls though, being the daughter of a teacher here at Hogwarts sure had its perks. I got to have my own dorm room upon dad's request for my privacy.

When I finally got to my door, I slowly turned the knob. Relief flooded through my senses when I took in the familiar smell of lavender and vanilla. My dorm room always felt like my home away from home. I lightly closed my door and scanned over my room. God I had missed it. I trailed my fingers over the fabric of my comforter and looked over to my window. Sitting there on the windowsill was a fresh, purple orchid. I walk over to the flower and caressed the soft petals. As I scanned the flower, I found a note with my name written on it.

Athena, my beautiful little flower. Welcome back to Hogwarts.
Love, Dad x

I rolled my eyes at the word little. I'm sixteen now yet my dad still persists in calling me "his little girl". Surprisingly however, I don't mind it too much.I am after all, his only child. One funny thing about dad is that he likes to scare people off with his rough exterior but truth be told, if you dig down deep enough,  he's a big old softie. This could just be the case for me and mum though.
A little smile spread across my face at the thought of her. Mum's back at our muggle home, holding the fort down. Dad and I have tried to convince her to come stay with us at Hogwarts until the school year finishes but she refuses. I think the reason for that might be because most of my childhood was spent there. She wouldn't want anything happening to our home whilst we were away. Dad and I get to visit her during holiday break though, so that's some compensation for the prolonged absence.

I laid my bag down by my vanity mirror and placed myself on my bed. I yawned heavily. The school day it seemed, had finally taken its toll on my body. I kicked off my shoes and closed my eyes, drifting into my haunted dreamland of the guy with the beautiful stormy eyes.

 I kicked off my shoes and closed my eyes, drifting into my haunted dreamland of the guy with the beautiful stormy eyes

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I woke up the next morning to find that I was still in my robes from the day before. I went to my closet to get a clean pair and proceeded to finish my morning routine before heading to breakfast in the Great Hall.

On my journey there, I pondered the fact that my dad didn't chew me alive for being late yesterday. It was a little odd because he'll usually give me a stern talking to. Oh well. Another thing I'm surprised about is that I was so tired that I wasn't able to process the fact that I actually had a conversation with Draco yesterday. All that aside, I can tell you one thing for sure. It's  given me a newfound hope to at least having a friendship with him. Crabbe and Goyle not being here gives me more of a chance to get closer to Draco.

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