Ch. 8- Repercussions

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The journal wasn't completely filled yet, but it did have a good amount of entries and sketches. Ever since I came into possession of this journal, I never seem to let it leave my sight and I've become quite protective over it. I have been plagued by the thought of who this journal could belong to, I know it's a suitor of mine though. The only question I have now is which girl is it? Whoever this journal belongs to has beautiful penmanship and a knack for sketching. I mean the little drawings of me spread out through her journal were so lifelike that I thought I was looking at a photograph of myself.

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I had the journal sprawled across my desk behind my potions textbook

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I had the journal sprawled across my desk behind my potions textbook. I look over at Athena who sits on the opposite side of the classroom now. My dreams of her seemed to have lessened and I can physically feel how distant she is now. At this point I'm not even sure what to do. Should I just back off or ask her what's been going on? Maybe I can kiss her again, or maybe she'll slap me in the face. At this point, I'll take any form of contact from her. The silence that she is giving me is far more painful than her hands would feel slapping my face. I sighed and looked over my textbook, I think Snape noticed that half the class wasn't paying attention because he began to ask my classmates to make their way to the blackboard to answer the questions that he had written about the Veritaserum potion. Athena willingly raised her hand to answer a few of the questions. I slowly put my textbook down so I could get a better view of her as she walked to the board. I love how she looks in our house colors and the school uniform. There's something about the way she looks in black and green that enhances my attraction to her. Every part of me still craved her touch. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. Athena began writing some answers involving the truth potion. For some reason I feel like I've seen that penmanship before. I revisit some instances where I might have seen her handwriting, the only place I could have would be during this class. I turn the thought over and over in my brain and ruffled my hair out of frustration when I couldn't figure it out. I put my head down on my desk as Athena made her way though the classroom to sit down at her new seat. When she finally placed herself onto her chair, the realization hit me... Why didn't I see this before? I'm such an idiot, this private journal I have been invading belongs to her, it belongs to Athena. I felt my stomach lurch once I remembered the location I found her journal at. There is no way in hell that she didn't see me and Pansy in the library that day, no way. This explains why she moved her seat in class, this explains the distance, this explains the silence. What the hell have I done? I bit my lip forcefully and ran a shaking hand through my hair. I was mentally kicking myself because I know what she walked in on whether it was her intent to or not. I have to confront her, I have to ask Athena about her journal. When the bell rang to signify the end of potions I packed everything but her journal away in my bag. I decided to place her journal into the inside pocket of my robes instead. I left the classroom first and hid in a crevice that I knew she would walk past and after waiting for what seemed like forever, I see Athena approaching me. I took a deep breath and pulled her into my hiding spot, making sure my hand was clutched over her mouth to silence her scream of surprise. I whispered in her ear and said,

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