Chapter 3

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Nothing could have surprised Neva more when she made her way to the Veranda to see who had flown up. Instantly she recognized that it was a Jedi fighter, but she didn't think that Anakin was supposed to be dropping by. She would have been told to expect him otherwise, or she would have been sent on some errand or dismissed for the afternoon. So she was a little wary when the security systems monitoring the Senator's Residence indicated the one-man ship was pulling up to the Primary Landing Platform. But when she did see who it was, it was all she could do not to run to him.

Instead, she maintained her composure as Obi-wan made his way up to the Veranda, though it was still a struggle to keep her emotions in check. Even smoothing and adjusting her navy-blue robes the way she usually did to release nerves didn't help. Though he appeared as calm and collected as he always did, there was a wariness about him as he climbed the steps that put her on edge. But then he caught sight of her and it seemed to melt away. She couldn't suppress the smile that came to her lips when she saw the way his eyes lit up when he saw her. Even as the time had passed, his feelings hadn't dimmed, and that brought her a joy she never seemed to anticipate.

"Master Kenobi, it is truly wonderful to see you again." Oh, how that didn't even begin to cover it. Obi-wan smiled in response, greeting her with the bow customary to the Jedi Order.

"Milady Amalia, the pleasure is truly mine," I have missed you, his eyes seemed to say. I know, she wanted to say back. They both knew they should really be trying to distance themselves from whatever this was that still existed between them, but Neva had absolutely no desire to do so in this instant. It had been a long time since she had seen him last, and longer still since she had been alone with him. She didn't know what to say. There was simply too much. Part of her wanted to burst out and declare that she still loved him, and wanted to be with him no matter the cost. She silently scolded herself for that one; Padmé's secret affair was having a bad influence on her own self-control, apparently. She also just wanted to run up and pull him into her arms and kiss him. He had done that for her once before, and she couldn't forget the feeling; it had been like coming home.

But she couldn't do that either. She could only graciously invite him in, offering refreshment and a seat, both of which he politely accepted. Still, he was actually there, sitting only a few feet from her. She still didn't know what to say. Should she pretend as though they were nothing more than the casual acquaintance her employer believed? Or should she take the chance to try to—what? She couldn't follow the thought through. There was nothing to confront him with, and nothing they could do. Their agreement had been mutual and logical. She knew better than to dredge that up, regardless of the heartache it was causing her.

They had grown so close in such a short amount of time back on Naboo. Their morning walk in the Gardens had almost immediately become a daily routine, and was often supplemented with the occasional walk through the City. His investigation had required some familiarity with the City, some of which she had supplied. She had pointed out Guild and Committee buildings, as well as places where the few known vocal Separatist supporters tended to frequent and suggested contacts that he could use to get a feel for Separatist sentiments throughout Naboo. She had also supplied the names on the two decidedly Separatist Petitions for him to investigate.

Theed was one of the largest Cities on Naboo, the centre of political power and the seat of the Monarch. If he had been likely to find Separatist activity anywhere, it was going to be within the City limits. Many groups and organizations had at least some base within the City, so there was a wealth of different factions that operated within Theed, each with their own attitudes and agendas. Some were more vocal and less cautious than others, but if there was a particular sentiment to be found in the System, it would be found in some form in Theed.

Lady Amalia: The Almost Queen [Star Wars | Obi Wan Kenobi]Where stories live. Discover now