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Jacob-You do?! Your joking with me?

Sadie-No! why would i do that?

Jacob-So.... does this mean were dating?

Sadie-Not yet.... but you have to ask.

Jacob- Sadie Mae Ross, will you be my girlfriend?

Sadie-YES! (jumps on jacob's back)

Jacob-Yayaya! Wait what about mark...

Sadie-Well, me and mark are going to be friends and nothing more! I promise 🙏. You have to promise NOT to get mad when I hangout with mark. And im not going to lie, I do have feelings for mark but I have more for you.

Jacob-I won't get mad at mark. And i understand that you have feels for mark and I fine with that as long as you don't kiss him/More... One last thing I promise to never hurt you ❤ as long as you don't hurt me😔

Sadie-I would never! Jacob I love you so much! Now I have to go BC I have to tell mark about us.... But before that can me and you take a nap?

Jacob-Sure❤. (Takes nap)

*Two hours later*

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