Chapter 1

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To be fair, breaking into Avengers Tower probably wasn't the smartest idea. But how was I supposed to know that? At 16 and very pliable to peer pressure, it shouldn't be a shock that my older sister's friend convinced me to break into probably one of the most heavily guarded buildings in America. But, they didn't just ask me for no reason. I'm pretty well known at our school for being able to break into places and get stuff without being seen. Most people just assume it's a natural talent, and I guess it is but it's more of a supernatural ability. I can turn myself and other objects invisible at will, but no one knows about that except for me, obviously, and my best friend Peyton.

But yeah, back to breaking into Avengers tower.

"Cassie, just take some pictures of Stark's suit and then get out, you got it?" Lindsay, my older sister said, crouching behind a large box in the alley next to the Tower. I was behind her, a bit more nervous that I was at my other break ins. Mostly people just ask and pay me to go into school, or to steal something from a relative. I had never done something like this. The only time I had pulled something off like Avengers Tower was when some guy at my school asked for some files at Oscorp... Peter something? I didn't know what he needed them for, but my "policy" was I don't need to know why they need it, and they don't ask how I get it. At least I was getting paid to take pictures, not steal something. I decided to be extra careful about fingerprints and stuff like that, though.

"But if you can grab something," Liza, Lindsay's friend, trailed off, looking at me expectantly.

"You're only paying me to take pictures, so nope." I looked at Liza, cocking an eyebrow at her.

She shrugged, shaking her head. "I can only pay you fifty, but with Linds thats a hundred so those better be some damn good pictures." I smiled at her fakely, I didn't really like Liza. My phone buzzed in my pocket, since I set a timer for three in the morning. Most people went to bed by three in the morning, but I decided to play it safe and go invisible the entire time.

"Ok, I'll meet you back here in an hour, pay me in cash by later today or everyone will know one of your dirty secrets." I smirked at them. Ok, ok, that made me sound like an evil person, but I'm really not. I guess. I just needed money, and of course I listened into their conversations when I was invisible. Who wouldn't? Liza and Lindsay nodded, and I set out, making sure not to go invisible until I was sure they couldn't see me. "Let's go," I murmured, testing the front door to see if it was locked. Surprisingly it was open.

"Heavy security my ass." I whispered quietly, sneaking in completely invisible. The lobby was empty, and the darkness made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I didn't really like the dark, but I had gotten used to it because of my strange "hobby". I crept over to the stairs, mentally groaning at the keypad you needed to unlock it. Luckily, I had been able to purchase one of those electronic lock picking things, so I placed it on top of the keypad and waited for it to unlock. When it did I quickly pulled it off and ran inside the stairwell, closing the door softly. I had read somewhere that Stark kept his suits on the 47th floor, so I jogged up the stairs. Ugh.

Probably 15 minutes later I had reached the door that said "47" on it, so I opened it slowly, peering around for anyone on the floor. It was empty, and I closed the door and walked out into the open, mentally thanking whatever gave me invisibility. "Whoever is in this room has one minute before I call Mr. Stark and the rest of his team." I British voice from the ceiling announced. I jumped a foot in the air, who was that? I didn't respond, staying frozen in spot. The voice didn't speak again, so I continued forward, looking around what I assumed was a lab. Another door that was labeled; "Tony Stark - Do Not Enter", with something scribbled in messy handwriting underneath; "Unless you're Pepper or have food." I scoffed, pushing the handle down. It didn't open, so I looked around for another keypad. That's when I heard footsteps.

I backed away from the door, nervously ringing my hands inside my gloves. Two people walked into the lab, one I recognized as Tony Stark, and one was a woman with red hair. "Whoever is in here, show yourself." Stark yelled, looking around for me, presumably. The woman didn't speak, just darted her eyes around suspiciously.

"Sir, the intruder is by the entrance to your personal lab," the British man in the ceiling said. Stark turned and faced exactly where I was standing.

"I don't know how you're invisible, but JARVIS has heat sensors so he can see you." I almost face palmed, but I was almost too scared to move. I was gonna kill Liza and Lindsay if I got out of here. "Just show yourself and return anything you took, or I can make you." Stark threatened, starting to walk towards me. I took in a shaky breath, trying to slyly walk away from him. The woman looked up when she heard my shuffling, gripping her belt.

"Sir, the intruder is trying to walk away from you." JARVIS, I guessed, said again. Suddenly I heard a whirring noise and the hand to the Iron Man suit was pointed at me. Actually, about a foot to the left of me, but that's not important.

"Am I aiming at him?" He asked the ceiling.

"Little to your left, Sir." He moved his hand so it pointed at my face. Well shit. How was I going to get out of this?

I turned visible, my hands in front of my face and shaking slightly. Stark and the woman looked at me confusedly, they probably expected me to be some old man. "How old are you, kid?" He asked, lowering his hand. I shrugged, not trusting my voice enough to answer. "Well? Can you talk?" I nodded.

"I'm 16," I said quietly. "And I didn't steal anything." My voice was stronger than I thought it would be, but there was still a waver in it.

"I don't care about that, I'm just wondering how the fuck you were invisible!" Startled, I flinched when he raised his voice.

"Tony." The woman scolded, giving Stark a look.

He sighed and apologized. "Why don't you come with us upstairs, ok? I promise we won't turn you over to the police or something." I shook my head frantically, hiding my hands behind my back so they would stop shaking.

"N-no, I'm really sorry it's just that my friends dared me to get pictures of your suits and I didn't mean anything by it I'll leave and won't cause any trouble I-" Stark stopped my rant by putting his hand up.

"We'll let you leave if you tell us your name." The woman finally stated, looking at me with an unreadable expression. Stark opened his mouth to object, but she shit him up by saying something I couldn't pick up.

"Cas-Cassidy Reynolds, can I please go now?" I pleaded.

"JARVIS will show you out," she said stoically. I quickly walked over to the stairs, flying down them like I was being chased. Finally I made it outside, and I didn't know if I was about to cry, laugh, or pass out.

"Did you get 'em?" Liza asked, standing up and I ran out.

"No, St-Stark and a red head caught me with his AI," I tried to calm myself down so I would stop stuttering. "You don't have to pay me just never make me do that again." I was shaking like a leaf all over now, glancing around nervously. Lindsay gave me a concerned look.

"They didn't call the cops?" She asked, walking over to me and enveloping me in a warm hug. I relaxed slightly and shook my head. "Ok, let's go before they do." Liza agreed and we all set off.

I'm very excited to actually start a fanfic and stick with it, as some of you know I've tried before and it kind of just didn't work. Hopefully this will continue, but comment whether or not you want me to. Thank you for 11k reads on my other book!
- Jackie xx

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