Chapter 4

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So far the training had been going on for a week. Peyton was mad that we couldn't go shopping or get dinner on Wednesdays anymore (or hang out at all actually), but I promised that soon our schedule would go back to normal. She didn't know why I was always busy- Fury had made Peter and I promise not to tell anyone that we were training to be avengers, and that I would be given an alias like the rest of the team so no one would recognize me.

Peter and I had been growing closer as friends throughout the week, and I learned about his girlfriend Gwen, his Aunt, etc., while I told him about my life. There wasn't really that much to know, besides my anxiety that made my hands shake all the freaking time and the panic attacks, but I didn't tell anyone about that.

"Cassie, next time if you see a punch coming at arm level, dodge then grab and do the roll we practiced." Clint ordered, standing in fighting position in the ring. I nodded and shook out my clenched fists before getting back into position. He suddenly went to punch me in the face, but I dodged and returned it with an elbow to the gut. Clint let out a small grunt and did a spin kick that went to my chest. I dodged it easily then grabbed it and used all my body weight to flip him over onto the floor. "Nice," Clint said, but I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. "Ok go get in the shower and then you can leave- but tomorrow's Saturday so you and Peter are gonna train with Nat and then Steve." I nodded and scampered out of the room, going invisible so no one could see me post-training.

I ran to my room in the tower and jumped in the shower for about 10 minutes, then got out and got dressed then put my hair in a ponytail. I grabbed my bag and then nearly ran out of the tower, quickly saying a "goodbye" to the people I passed in the hallway. The reason why I was in such a rush was because I had promised Peyton that we could have a sleepover tonight at 7:30, but training had gone long so now it was 8:00.

The elevator seemed to take years, but finally it stopped at the lobby and I dashed out, stepping outside into the street. Now, the quickest way to get home... I could take a taxi, but that would probably take longer than walking. So, I started to fast walk back to my house, blending in with all the tourists wanting to see Avengers Tower and the businesspeople getting home from work. My bad luck just had to get worse though.

Just as I turned the corner coming from the tower, someone pulled me into an alley, snapping something around my wrists and covering my mouth with their hand. "Cassidy Reynolds, if you scream I will shoot you. Our need of you isn't impossible to replace." What the hell? I froze, completely unaware of my surroundings. The person who had grabbed me jabbed me in the side, so I nodded, pretending I understood what they had just said. I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman because their voice was mechanic almost. "Before you try to escape, these handcuffs restrict your movement as well as your powers, and if you try to break them I will shoot you as they electrocute you."

The person moved their hand from my mouth, and I took in a deep breath, trying to find a reflective surface to see what my attacker looked like. "Who are you?" I asked quietly, hoping that Peter was out tonight as Spiderman.

"We are an organization you have never heard of. We want to use you to take down SHIELD." The person answered, still without any emotion in their voice. They started to drag me across the ground, deeper into the alleyway. I started struggling, hoping to make a big enough ruckus that someone would hear. "Shut up you stupid girl!" The person yelled, putting a cloth or something around my mouth, and then shoving me against the wall. I banged my head painfully, hard enough that I didn't notice them putting something around my ankles. I finally got a good look at them, but I couldn't remember what they looked like. Their movement was robotic, and their face was average, something that wouldn't draw any attention in a crowd. There were no qualities to see what gender they were. Maybe they didn't have a gender? Whatever, that wasn't important.

Invisible // AvengersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora