Chapter 2

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The next two days I was completely on edge. That break-in was Sunday morning, so Monday I was a mess, expecting Stark and the rest of the Avengers to come find me and shoot me down. On Tuesday, I realized that was a stupid idea, and that he had probably already forgotten about it. I mean, they had just been on the news for fighting some group Sunday night. Peyton had picked up on my behavior, but I wouldn't tell her why I was so fidgety.

She knew about my work, or whatever it's called, but she didn't like it. Peyton always talked to me about how I was going to get caught one day, which is why I didn't tell her. I didn't want her to tell me "I told you so!"

"Cass, I swear to God! You look like you're being stalked!" Peyton complained as she sat across from me at lunch, munching on her vegan food. I stopped myself from looking around the cafeteria again, but I still felt like something bad was going to happen soon.

"Sorry, I'm just tired." I mumbled, not looking her in the eye. I was a terrible liar, and Peyton knew it.


"I'm fine, Pey, I swear." I forced myself to smile as I chewed on my sandwich. Peyton wrinkled her nose at my lunch.

"Are you sure you don't wanna go vegan? That turkey sandwich looks... Interesting, but this is better!" She motioned towards her salad. It did look better than my sad sand which I had made last night, but I liked animal products too much to not eat.

"Sorry, I like pizza more than saving animals," I responded. Peyton scoffed and flicked a piece of lettuce at my face.

The rest of school I was still jumpy, but forgot about it once I was walking home. Instead I was worrying about my math test the next day. I walked through the front door of my house, yelling "I'm home," loudly. No one answered. I frowned, walking into the kitchen, but what I saw stopped me dead in my tracks. My mom and Tony Fucking Stark were sitting at the dinner table, having a chat as if they were good friends.

"Oh! Cassidy, you're back!" My mom exclaimed, not moving from her seat. I felt frozen again, staring at Stark. What was he doing here? "Mr. Stark was just telling me about this internship he was interested in you trying."

"Please, Emily, call me Tony." He smiled at my mom, making her blush slightly. Oh lord.

"An internship?" I questioned aloud. "I didn't apply for any-"

"Your teachers told me about you, they said you excelled in math and science." Stark said, looking at me like he was telling me to just go with it. "So, if you're up to it I'd like to bring you to the tower along with another possible intern." He was smiling, but since he was staring at me straight in the eyes I could tell there wasn't room for discussion. I had to go with him.

I nodded dumbly. "Um, sure?" He sprang up from his seat, thanking my mom for the chat, and then nearly dragged me to his car.

"Ok, I'm picking up another one of you superpowered teenagers, so be nice to eachother." Stark said, buckling his seatbelt and pulling out of the driveway of my house in Queens.

"Mr. Stark-" I started.


"Er, Tony, why do you need to know about my, um, ability?" I asked awkwardly, clenching my fists so my hands wouldn't start shaking again. My hands shaking were my nervous tick, and Lindsay always teased me about it when I was nervous.

"I don't want to pry, but it's SHIELD's say in the matter." St- Tony, admitted, driving faster than he probably should've been.

"SHIELD?" I asked.

"I'll explain to you once we pick up Peter." I was going to ask who Peter was, but decided against it, instead digging my fingers into my palm to stop the shaking. "You know, if you just relax your hands won't shake as much."

I slumped down in my seat. "I know, my doctors have all told me that before." I felt Tony looking at me through the rear view mirror, but the rest of the ride was silent except for the quiet music playing through the speakers. Suddenly the car stopped, and Tony hopped out.

"I'll be back, just stay in here and don't leave. I can and will find you." Tony walked up to the door and knocked, then disappeared inside. I sighed, banging my head against the back of the seat. I decided to entertain myself by making Tony's coffee invisible, then making it appear again. I soon grew bored of that, and switched through the music stations. Panic! At the Disco's song; Emperor's new clothes, came on and I tapped my fingers to the beat. My hands had finally stopped shaking, the music calming me. Side effect of anxiety, uncontrollable shaking when nervous. I had to deal with that on almost a daily basis, but better that than panic attacks. Of course I got those too, but not as much.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by the car doors opening. Tony and a boy I recognized as Peter Parker got it, Peter seating behind my seat. He was the one who paid me to get those Oscorp files. "Peter?" I asked confusedly. "Are you a 'superpowered teenager' too?" I put quotations on superpowered teenager, giving Tony a pointed stare. Tony didn't reply, driving towards Manhattan.

"Too?" Peter asked. "Uh, I mean, I guess?" The rest of the car ride was awkward, but Panic!, MCR, FOB, and other bands from the station I picked helped thin out the silence.

"I hate this song." Tony complained as This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race came on. I glared at him.

"If you change the channel I will snap your neck." I threatened, jabbing his finger away from the controls. One thing with Tony was that he was easy to be comfortable around, which was weird because I normally got really nervous and anxious when I had to talk to new people.

"Natasha's going to like you," He told me. I didn't know who Natasha was, but didn't ask again. We pulled up to Avengers Tower, and the three of us got out. "Ok, everyone's upstairs, just be nice and don't yell at the pirate guy." He noticed our confused looks. "His name's Director Fury, but he has an eyepatch so he's like a pirate." I shared a look with Peter, his face mirroring my emotions. Complete confusion.

We rode up the elevator, where my nerves started to sink in. Now my hands were shaking so bad I had to shove them in my jacket pockets, and I felt cold all over. Tony kept glancing at me, but I was too nervous to notice most of his looks. The doors opened into a conference room, holding 5 people. 4 guys and 1 girl. The girl was the red head from the break-in, but I didn't recognize anyone else.

"Is that Bruce Banner?" Peter whispered excitedly as we walked in, all five heads turning to us. I shrugged, noticing "pirate guy" right away. He was glaring at me, not meanly, but more like he was trying to figure out exactly what my purpose was. It was slightly unnerving. I sat next to Peter, trying to ignore everyone's stares. Tony sat on my right, which was better than one of the people I didn't know.

"Did Tony fill you in on why you're both here?" Pirate guy/Director Fury asked Peter and me. We shook our heads. "Stark..." Fury sighed and then continued. "Well Peter, we've been tracking you for a little over 8 months, just after you started your... Vigilantism." I raised one eyebrow, looking at Peter. What did Fury mean by that? Peter didn't meet my eye. "Cassidy, we only found out about your abilities approximately two days ago, when Stark and Agent Romanoff caught you trying to break into the lab." The three guys who weren't there when Tony and Romanoff caught me each had looks of surprise on their face. Same with Peter, but less surprised since he went to my school and knew why I was there.

"Wait, you broke into the tower, and made it to the lab!" A sandy haired man asked, smiling brightly. He laughed loudly. "Stark, your systems are supposed to be impossible to get through!" Tony mumbled something about arrows and shoving them somewhere. I smiled weakly, ringing my hands underneath the table.

"Barton." Fury said icily. "Anyways, Peter, Cassidy, SHIELD needs to know more about your abilities, and if you can control them well enough I'd like for you both to train to be an Avenger."

Yay chapter 2 and Peter's in it ayy
I'm writing this from as if it's Andrew Garfield, because Civil War Spiderman is my favorite so far, but he's only been in 30 min max of a movie, so I don't really know how to write him. So Andrew Garfield and his Spiderman movieverse is in this fanfic. Thanks for reading!
- Jackie xx

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