Chapter Seven: Scandal in the Office

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Chapter 7—Scandal in the Office

As I walked through the entrance, people gave me strange looks, some of envy or anger, others of just plain curiosity.

"Elena!!!" Harper shouted, running up to me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

She held up her phone, and there it was on the screen. It was a picture of me and Colton hugging.

"Scandal in the Office," I read the caption.

I read the beginning of the short article under the picture.

Colton Daniels, the son of well-known businessman, Lewis Daniels, was seen cuddling up to a mystery woman in his office. According to our anonymous source, the mystery woman was Colton's secretary. Ooh, take that for a cliché scandal. Colton Daniels is currently dating Lucy London, the daughter of designer and business mogul, Stella London. Rumors of a future engagement have been circulating, but we're not so sure that will happen any time soon. You tell us. Is the future CEO of Zelena Hotels and Lewis Daniels Inc. an unfaithful cheater? Our anonymous source claims that he is.

I let out a heavy sigh.

"This isn't good," I said, frowning.

"Definitely not," Harper agreed, shaking her head. "But there is a small silver lining."

"What's that?" I asked.

"If Lucy breaks up with Colton because of all of this, you'll be free to be together."

I shrugged. "We'll see. Right now, I really should talk to Colton. Ugh, who would do this?"

"Whoever it was, they were probably jealous."

"Do me a favor," I requested.


"Watch out for anyone who might be headed for Colton's office. I want to talk to him without any interruptions."

"Yeah, no problem."


I walked off to Colton's office and pressed the button.

I rushed inside after being buzzed in.

The phone was ringing.

There were papers scattered everywhere.

His computer was beeping from multiple notifications.

Colton ran his fingers through his hair.

"This is a disaster!" he exclaimed. "Did you see the article?"

"Yes, I did. I think everyone in the office knows."

"Who would do such a thing? Why would anyone set us up like this?"

"I have no idea, but maybe—"

"Elena, if you suggest that we break up, then I say no. That would only satisfy the people who ruined it for us."


There was loud banging on the door.

"Elena, I'm sorry! She threatened to hit me with her stiletto!" Harper shouted from the other side of the door.

I yanked the door open, and Lucy ran inside. Harper gave me an apologetic look and then she walked off.

"Lucy, I can explain," Colton said.

"No need to explain. I know who did this, and I know exactly why they did it," Lucy responded. She didn't seem too angry.

"Who? Who did this? Did you do this?" I asked.

Lucy snapped her fingers, and a woman walked in. It was Tia, the other receptionist.


"Yes, Elena. Lucy asked me to help her."

Lucy crossed her arms. "You see, I knew something was going on between you two."

"So what now? Are you going to break up with me?" Colton asked.

"No, are you insane? I need to marry you. We belong together, Colton. I did all of this for us."

"Wait, what? You're not going to break up?" I asked, confused.

"Of course not because that's exactly what you want me to do. I did this so Colton would have no choice but to fire you," Lucy said. "If we break up, then the media will label him as a cheater. If he fires you, then he'll be known as the type of guy who respects his girlfriend's wishes. Sorry Elena, but he has no choice but to let you go."

"What makes you think that I'd do that? I don't want to fire her," Colton countered.

"Bad media is bad for business. Newsflash Colton, nobody wants to work for an untrustworthy CEO. And seeing as you're almost to the top, you wouldn't want to quickly crash down, would you? Your company is technically in my hands now. This one decision could cost you everything, so you better fire Elena right now."

"You're crazy, you know that?" Colton said, clenching his fists.

"Oh, I know I'm crazy. It's nothing new. Now, do as I say," she demanded.

Colton sighed. "Elena—"

"No, you don't have to say it. I'll just leave," I said, turning around.

"Elena, wait—"

"No, Colton. I should go," I said, leaving his office.

I heard Lucy let out a satisfied giggle. Colton started yelling at her, and I just kept on walking.

I made my way back to the lobby.

"What happened?" Harper asked.

"Long story short, Lucy hired Tia. Colton and Lucy are not breaking up, and I need to find a new job."

"Aw, you're not working here anymore? Well, I can quit, too. I mean, I don't want to—"

"No, don't do that. Actually, I need you to stay here, so you can keep tabs on Colton."

"You got it. I'll be very observant. And, there's no way I'll ever trust Tia again."

"She seemed so nice, too. But, I guess it's the people you don't really suspect."

"Or the people you do suspect, so you think of not suspecting them, but that's really what they want you to think, so it turns out that it really is what you suspected."

"You've been watching Law and Order again, haven't you?" I guessed.

"SVU is my guilty pleasure, Elena," she said, grinning.

I smiled just a little bit.

"Can we meet up later? I need to clear my head and just think things through, but I need a friend."

"You need a friend, so a friend is what you've got. How about I come over around 7:30?"

"Sounds good. See you then."


Harper showed up at 7:30 on the dot.

"I brought Chinese food," she said, holding up to plastic bags with takeout containers.

"With extra fortune cookies?" I hoped.

"Of course," she said. "And in my bag, I have a few DVDs that we can watch. They're all from different genres, so you get to choose."

"Lucky for both of us, I have nearly full pints of ice cream and a box of microwave popcorn with movie theater butter."

"Girls night in sounds good," she said.

"So, um...quick question."


"Did you think that Colton and I ever actually had a chance?"

"If you were a couple in a TV show or a book or something, I'd ship it."

I smiled. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Now, let's pop these open. I'm craving some chow mein."

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