Chapter Twenty: Day One - Around The Castle of Hogwarts

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"Crystal cluster!" Harry shouted. Ariel watched in amazement as a talking portrait swung to the side to reveal a hidden tunnel. "After you, Ariel," said Harry, gesturing for Ariel to go first. Harry had wondered about Ariel's choice of fashion that she was wearing, but he decided not to say anything. She's a mermaid, he said to himself. She thinks this is what humans wear, and I'd rather not ruin her happiness today.
Ariel stumbled on her unbalanced legs, falling face first into the tunnel with a thud.
"Oh!" Harry exclaimed. "Are you okay, Ariel?"
Ariel turned around, smiled, and nodded. But Harry noticed a dark purple under her left eye.
"Er, Ariel?" said Harry.
Ariel looked at Harry in expectation.
"You, er, kind of," Harry stammered. He dismissed the thought. "Never mind. Just keep going."
Ariel turned back around and headed to the end of the tunnel, where a light met her eyes. She gazed in wonder at the red and yellow decorated walls of Gryffindor Tower, the common room's beautiful light bringing her joy and excitement. She looked at a symbol on the wall. What's that? she wanted to ask Harry. But, having no voice, she couldn't "ask them my questions and get some answers". She was crushed inside.
Harry stumbled through the tunnel after her. "It's not much," said Harry, "but I like to consider it home."
Harry, your home is brilliant, thought Ariel. If only I thought the same of my home...
Ariel pointed to the symbol on the wall. It had red and yellow colors with a golden lion engraved upon it. She had never seen a lion, however, and wondered what it could be.
"That's the symbol of Gryffindor," said Harry. "It's a lion and the colors are red and yellow. Don't ask why, though. Well, I guess you can't ask why, but, er... Never mind..." Harry usually got tongue-tied around girls. Especially ones who had saved his life from mermen who probably wanted to kill him.
Harry normally only got tongue-tied around Cho Chang, but he could keep a conversation going with every other girl. Besides the exception of Romilda Vane...who was madly crushing on him.
Ariel looked into the fireplace. Fire! she thought. A look of pure excitement lit up her face and brought more light to the room than the fire did. She grabbed Harry's arm and rushed him towards the fire. She pointed at it excitedly.
"That's, er, fire," Harry said. Ariel reached out to touch it. He grabbed her arm hastily. "Er, I wouldn't recommend touching that..." She looked at Harry, then at her hand, and put her hands behind her back in embarrassment.
She then looked around the room and saw a book. She ran over to it. It was Hermione's copy of Hogwarts: A History.
"Oh, er, fond of books?" Harry asked Ariel. "That's one of Hermione's favorites. Had it since she was in the first-"
Harry was cut off by a sudden pain in the chest. Ariel had thrown the book at Harry, thinking it was some kind of human sport.
"...year..." said Harry, touching his chest. Ariel realized that what she had done had hurt Harry. She looked down at the floor in shame. He laughed slightly. "That was one of the best times I've had with a girl in a while," said Harry. Ariel beamed. "Surely the Yule Ball will be just as fun."
Ariel had completely forgotten about the Yule Ball, then she remembered the whole reason why she had traded her voice for legs.
"Allow me to show you to the girls' dormitory," said Harry, leading Ariel to a staircase on the other side of the common room. "Surely Hermione will help show you around. Well, hopefully, I'll see you and Hermione at dinner. It's in a few hours." He began to turn around and walk away. He turned back. "Oh, and Ariel?" Ariel looked back at him with eagerness. Harry indicated her outfit. "You might want to, er, change..."


Hermione knew it was for the best that she should not let her past with Ariel get in the way of anything. She thought it was best to give Ariel a second chance. After all, Ariel is fifteen now. And Hermione was fourteen. Perhaps they could become better friends.
It was keeping these things in mind that she began to get used to Ariel's company.
When Ariel first walked in, wearing the ship's sail and rope, Hermione shouted, "Great Merlin!" and dropped the quill she was writing with and spilled her bottle of ink. She walked over to Ariel. "You, er," Hermione began. "Oh, words cannot describe anything right now..."
Hermione helped Ariel into one of her dresses that she had brought for the Yule Ball. She had brought various dresses, for she didn't know which one she should wear. Lavender told her to wear the pink one. Parvati told her to wear the blue one, with the matching ribbon. Padma told her to wear the slim, purple one, which Hermione thought was too sparkly for her own taste. Ginny suggested the frilly pink one, with many different shades; light pink, hot pink, magenta, and fuchsia. This was the one Hermione decided she would wear. ("It looks absolutely gorgeous on you," said Lavender. "You look just like a princess.")
She helped Ariel slip the pink dress, the one that Lavender suggested, onto her. "I'd say you looked like a princess," she said, "but I don't know how princesses look, to be honest with you."
Ariel smiled. This was such a polite compliment, despite her having just met Hermione. Even though she doesn't remember ever meeting her in the first place.
"Look at the time," Hermione said. "It's nearly time for dinner. I'll show you to the Great Hall." She turned to the door, but Ariel did not follow. "Ariel?"
Ariel was looking at one of the first years' stuffed lions. She motioned for Hermione to come nearer. She pointed at the lion questioningly.
"That's a lion, that is," Hermione said. She looked at Ariel. Then asked, "Wait, how come you're not talking?"
Ariel touched her throat, trying to tell Hermione that she had no voice.
Hermione looked at Ariel in bewilderment. "You...can't speak?"
Ariel shook her head sadly.
"But..." Hermione stopped herself. She doesn't remember ever meeting me. I have to act like I've never met her, she thought to herself. "Never mind. Let's just go down to the Great Hall."

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