Chapter Twenty Five: The Prophecy

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Now, you are probably wondering what happened ever since that day.
Ariel went home with her father, reluctantly, and did not come out of her grotto for months, except for the occasional swim to the surface, where she met with Harry almost everyday.
Ursula waited for the day when she would again, at long last, get what she had been wanting for all her life.
Harry went on to the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament. In the final task, Cedric Diggory was killed. He had traveled by Portkey, accidentally, with Cedric to an abandoned graveyard, where Cedric was murdered and the darkest wizard known to mankind was resurrected; Lord Voldemort. Harry told Ariel about the Dark Lord's return, and how they could no longer be together. Having no gift to give her, he gave her his glasses. He asked the Dursleys for a new pair that summer, and was given the cheapest pair money could buy, after many weeks of asking. Though she appreciated the gift, Ariel was crushed, so he went to Hermione for help. Hermione made him a potion strong enough to make the whole sea forget about him and the Triwizard Tournament. Harry knew it was for the best that Ariel and her family had to forget about him and the recent events, but he still had difficulty moving on from Ariel. In his fifth year, however, he began to develop an interest to Ginny Weasley, who resembled Ariel in many ways.
Parvati never returned to see the end of their fourth year. No one knows what happened to her. Not yet, at least.
Hermione's potion caused all the creatures in the sea to forget about the Triwizard Tournament and all that happened with Ariel and Harry. Even King Triton forgot. But Ursula, having magical protection on her lair, pertained her memory, and remembered everything about the Tournament and her deal with Ariel. However, King Triton did not remember anything. And he forgot the deal he made with Ursula.


Harry and Ron walked out of Divination, talking about the recent events of the Tournament. Suddenly, Harry turned around.
"Hang on," he said. "I left my books in there." He turned around and went back up the stairs to Professor Trelawney's classroom. "Go on," he said to Ron. "I'll meet you back at the common room."
He walked to his seat in Professor Trelawney's classroom and grabbed his books. A voice came to Harry's ears.
"It has begun," said the voice. Harry turned around. It was Professor Trelawney.
"Professor?" Harry said.
"The poison has spread like wildfire, and all but one was spared; a new story has come to pass, and history shall soon repeat itself!" said Trelawney. Suddenly, she became herself again. Professor Trelawney looked at Harry, and said sweetly, "Oh, terribly sorry, dear boy. Did you say something?"
"No," Harry panted. "Nothing..."

The End

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