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Once she was out of the cabin, her thoughts cleared, and one thing was planted in her head: she needed to get outta there. So, tying her pillow case to her belt, she took a deep breath, and started to run. Oh, how she ran. Over ferns and fallen logs. Her body felt perfectly synced to the trees and nature around her. The wind tore through her long hair, whipping it in her eyes and caressed her face, the coolness balancing out the sunlight above. After about fifteen minutes or so she stopped, breathing hard with her hands clasping her bent knees. Once she had caught her breath, she turned to the huge patch of ferns to her right. Then, after searching through them for a while, she found what she was looking for. She brushed the ferns aside to reveal a flat, grey stone slab wedged into the dirt. Her fingernails pried it up, then laid it aside. There, where the rock had been was a hole in the ground, only around 3 feet across. Then, clutching her bag tightly, she jumped.

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