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Ok, well. No one commented on the last chapter, but I guess I'll carry on anyway.....
I'm going for 60 views and 4 comments, please contribute to this goal!

The ground crunched beneath Maddie's feet as she landed. She brushed herself off and stood up. She was familiar with the hidden cave, she had discovered it years ago:

Seven years earlier
Maddie had only recently been allowed in the forest, and was determined to make the most of her freedom. She was just walking through a patch of overgrown ferns when her foot slipped through the ferns to find thin air where the ground should have been. And then she was falling. Falling, falling, SMACK. Her body collided with the hard ground. She looked up at the hole she had fallen through. Her automatic fear turned to curiosity, then excitement. This could be like, her secret underground lair! So, for the next few minutes she set off exploring the area, which was bigger than it seemed. She soon realized that it was getting late, and she didn't want to be quarantined to the house again. Her next task was finding her way out. She decided to make a sort of ladder by kicking into the dirt walls to make step holes. After much trial and error, she managed to pull herself up, leaving a makeshift set of steps behind. It felt wrong to leave it in the open, so Maddie covered up the hole with dried ferns so it looked camaflouged. Satisfied with her handiwork, she ran home.

Seven years later, her secret stayed with her.

I know that this story is kind of hard to follow, so any questions posted in the comments section will be answered in the next few chapters. Keep reading!

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