Chapter 3

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Later that day, Sawamura secretly crept into the infirmary and swiped some painkillers. He wasn't too sure on which ones he was supposed to use so he just took a few random ones that looked safe. He tried to read the information on the pill bottle but immediately gave up when he didn't understand any of the words, that was, except for the word 'painkiller'.

Medical terms...I'm never gonna study biology...not like I will in the first place. Sawamura stuffed the pill bottles in his pocket and held onto one that didn't fit. He tiptoed his way back to his room and breathed out a sigh of relief when he reached the door unbothered. However, the trip was taking it's toll on him and he needed to take some painkillers fast to ease the burning pain.

To his surprise, Kuramochi was on his bed, crossing his arms and boring a hole into his head. Sawamura sensed trouble, shifting slightly so that the pill bottle was out of view.

"Kuramochi-senpai...what are you doing on my bed?"

"I know you're lying about having nothing to hide, Sawamura."

Shit. Sawamura couldn't say anything, even though he knew he was going to confront Kuramochi sooner or later. He wanted to tell someone about his condition, though, and he decided that Kuramochi would be the best option. He hoped for the best.



"I have something to tell you." Kuramochi rolled his eyes at that like as if he knew it was coming.

"Go on, then." Sawamura took a deep breath. It was a huge gamble, a hit or miss, but he really wanted to do this. He strengthened his resolve and looked Kuramochi in the eye.

"To tell you the truth, I haven't been in the best condition the last few days." Kuramochi nodded, motioning for him to continue. "I-Erm, you know, had a fever and caused everyone trouble. Including sorry." Kuramochi face-palmed at this. That idiot is still an idiot in serious situations. "Wait, what I'm trying to say is that...It's not just the fever that's been causing me's..."


Sawamura gulped.

"It's my leg."

Kuramochi raised a brow at this, signalling him to further explain the situation.
"Ever since the day when we won that match, I felt a burning pain in my left leg. I don't know how to put this, but it's been getting in the way of my pitching. I know I did horrible at practice today and I will bear responsibility to it, but I just wanted to make it clear that it's not that serious, ok?"

"If it's not serious, can I go tell the whole team then?"

"...Yeah, that would be go-WAIT WHAT?! No no no no no wait, Mochi-senpai, what are you saying?! I told you because I know that you can keep a secret and well that's not really the point but...I forgot what I was gonna say...See, it's all your fault!"

Kuramochi lightly chopped Sawamura's head.

"You idiot, if it's not serious, you would've told everyone by now but knowing you...You probably overthought the whole thing and decided to keep to yourself because you're scared of dragging the team down, am I right?"

Sawamura couldn't really say anything. He knew Kuramocho's deduction skills were second to none but, it never ceased to surprise him just how accurate it was.

"...Yeah, I didn't want that to happen. As much as I hate to admit it, I am scared of dragging down the team. Even though you and Harucchi and other people tell me that it's not my fault, I can't help but worry about it, damnit."

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