Chapter 6: The Broke Up

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Nagisa's POV

I wonder........why mom always forces's so annoying. But atleast I still get to see Kayano and I'm so excited because she's gonna meet me here at my apartment tomorrow. Well, I miss her very much. It's nighttime anyways at 8:30 pm. Well I got nothing to do so I'm just gonna go to sleep. As I'm about to sleep, someone's knocks at my door.

"I'm coming"

So I got up from my bed, walk towards the door and opened it to see who it is and its............Aya!? What is she doing here and how did she know my address. It must have been mom. I swear if she push things do far I have no choice but to kill her.

"Oh Aya what are you doing here?" I ask

"Can I sleep with you tonight, your mom is really mad at me and I don't know someone here in Japan. It's only you, so please" she said while crying

"Alright fine but just one night"

"Ok thank you"

So I let her in. I don't like her. I don't even like her attitude. I already have a girlfriend and she's just my one and only. Now I'm still wondering how Aya know that I'm living here. I don't even know. I let her sleep on the bed while I'm on the couch. I turned off the lights, took an extra blanket and to sleep.



Aya's POV


Well I'm walking in the street, I was looking up the sky, until someone has bumped to me, so we both fell and her purse is open so her things scattered on the street. I came to check it out and it's Akari. Well I help her pick up her things and while I'm picking it up, I notice a piece of paper. I pick it up to see what it contains and it's the address go Nagisa.

So she's Nagisa's girlfriend. Not for long. I said in my mind

I took it and put it in my pocket. Good thing she didn't notice.

"Anyways I need to go now bye" I said with a fake smile

"Ok see ya" she said

~~flashback ends~~

Hmm. I got up to see if his sleeping. Well he's asleep. So I remove my clothes, get close to him and I kissed him on the cheek.

"Goodnight" I said

So I came back to bed and fell asleep


Nagisa's POV

I woke up at about 7:30 am. So I got up from the couch and check Aya and she's already up but still in the bed.

"Good morning Nagisa" She said

"Hey! Get dressed up will you!?" I yelled

After a while I heard several knocks on the door. It must be Kayano. I can't let her see Aya like this. She would think......that.....

No stay positive Nagisa. I said in my mind.

"Aya, pls go and get dressed" I said

"Don't worry" she said sarcastically

I opened up the door and it's really Kayano. I missed her so much.

"Good morning darling" she said while smiling

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