Chapter 14: Putting Up To the Test and Regrets

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Nagisa's POV

"NO WAY!!!!" Yuki yelled

"THIS IS BULLSH*T!!!" I yelled back

Everyone stared at us both with a worried face. I mean yes, I know I'm changing, but she really pisses me off. I already know she's Kayano.

Ayano Yukikoma. Too bad Kaede its too obvious. I thought

"Watch both of your language." Koro-Sensei warned.

Fine. Guess I have to test

"Sorry Koro-Sensei." I bowed. "Its just I really dont want any partner except for Kayano." I said innocently

Yuki look at me with a glare. Much more of a jealousy in her eyes.

Well she deserves it.

"So if you don't want any partner then you have to do it all by yourself Nagisa. Is it fine with you?" Sugino asked me worriedly.

"Guess I'll take the risk." I said in boredom

"Well since Nagisa don't want any partners are you okay with it Yuki?" Koro Sensei ask worriedly


Third Person's POV

"Yes I'm fine. I really don't have any intention of doing it with a partner. To be honest I really want to do it all by myself. I don't really trust boys around my life with their inprickable attitude." Yuki said raising her voice high making Nagisa a little angrier

"And besides, I don't hesitate of making my own desicions by myself not like having a partner while arguing to him/her." Yuki added

Everyone look at Yuki. Figuring that not only Yuki is an innocent girl but she's rebellious.

Nagisa glared at her. Not a simple glare. Glare that is most dangerous. Dangerous that nobody can't have urge to fight against his bloodlust.

But within the midst of Yuki's deepest thoughts are.....worry, sadness, discombobulation and most of all.........fear.

By that Nagisa can sense it. He could almost sense her fear. But in his deepest thoughts he still have a regret.

"Well that's settled then. Nagisa and Yuki will work individually, while the rest of you will have a partners." Koro Sensei said while writing the partners to the blackboard.


"Ok class so that's about it, if you have questions text me on your phones and I'll be happy to help you. But right now Lovro needs my help in Korea." Koro Sensei said as he speeds up from Mach 20 and disappeared beyond their sight

"So let's start everyone." Isogai said in authorization.

Everyone goes to different place with their partners. Some are in the forest while the others are outside. Almost just the two of them remaining in the room. Nagisa is busy collaborating with his phone starting to have a research while Yuki is playing with her pen. Rolling and perplexing it side to side.

With that, Yuki's phone began to vibrate while she started to pick up her phone and put it to a call.

But since she's careless about it she didn't know that somebody's listening to her.

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