Just Let Me Go (*Coming in November*)

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I've had a good life. My family is full of celebrities and good times. My life was great... Until I met him.

My relationship with him was amazing for about the first 4 months. Then he changed because I got in contact with someone of his past and my moms boyfriend started hitting on me. He beat me... Everyday and I couldn't get away. I was screwed? You don't know the half of it.

I found a way out because the person of his past helped me out tremendously. But that happiness only lasted a month and two weeks. And in that month and two weeks, my new love interest was put into the hospital along with his best friend. Fantastic.

Hi, my name is Brayden Air and I'm from New Port, Rhode Island. I am Bruno Mars' and Samantha Carter-Mars' granddaughter.

And this is my fucked up story.

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