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Just Let Me Go

Her eyes were coming back. They are starting to get that bright light brown glow they did five years ago when I met her. Her skin was no longer pale, but a rich caramel color. Even when her eyes were dull and lifeless, skin pale and always cold, she was still beautiful.

Yeah, it's been five years since that incident with Rixon. And let me tell you, everything was going great.

The day Brayden came back, 4 years ago, he had fallen into my arms, crying and being mute. Every day Tyler, Leo, Isaiah and I would try and get her to talk but all she did was hold her stomach and stare at nothing. During those days, Rixon would come over and see how we all were doing. Honestly, I didn't like him anywhere near Brayden, and till this day, I still kind of don't.

After about a week or two of trying to get Brayden to talk, Leo got her and Rixon shrinks. It was no surprise that the shrink said that Bray was talking during her sessions. Sometimes she would get a reaction, like a facial expression or her mouth opening as if she were going to say something.

Two years of therapy an Brayden was saying small words and smiling again. Sometimes, if I'm lucky, Brayden would tell me about the dreams she would have during the day when she naps or day dreams. Most of them about her dad.

"You would have loved him," she had said, "I remember once that he told me that every full moon he would go to my grandmothers house and talk to the moon with her. I always thought it was silly. So, one day I asked him why he did this? The moon won't talk back." At this, she laughed sadly, but softly. I just stayed quiet, loving the sound of her voice.

"He said that her father used to do it all the time. Then he told me that the full moon was the reason he died. That that's the reason they talk to the moon. He found it interesting to look up at the night sky, full of darkness lit with bright stars, and just talk because the moon understood you and wouldn't judge." After she was done, that night she cried herself to sleep. She still sometimes does it, and I let her.

Isaiah and Leo had finally got married. It was beautiful to be honest. I still remember that day vividly. It was the day that me and Tyler were on the set of Teen Wolf when we got a call saying that Isaiah would refuse to marry Leo with out us and Brayden there.

After they got married, they headed off to England and Ireland for two months. During those months, Rixon had stopped by a couple of times. He was also doing better. He is now in the army and those therapy sessions really did help him. He's a better person now, and I respect him for that.

Rixon found a girl that understands him and excepts his past for what it was. They are meant to be married some time next year.

As I thought about the past, I felt a tug at my pant leg. I looked down to see a beautiful little girl with dark brown eyes with a cute pout on her face. I picked her up and sat her in my lap.

"What's wrong?" I asked and she placed her head on my chest. I swear, I love my daughter to death.

"I can't find my teddy bear." She said as she rubbed her sleep filled eyes. I looked at the clock and it read 8:15, about an hour past her bed time.

"You were up all this time looking for Mark?" I asked her and she nodded. Tears were building up in her eyes when she realized I said the name of her bear. "Jay!" I called out.

Oh, you guys must be confused. Brayden and I adopted two kids two years ago back when she started talking and smiling again. Calliope, the little 3 year old in my arms, was our only biological child. Jay and Cami were 17 year old twins that we adopted when they were 15.

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