Min Yoongi

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I remember when I thought we were going to be over. I was afraid but I was also furious. I had seen you with another guy. Min Yoongi. His name disgusts me and yet, it is engraved on my mind. He was one of your coworkers. It was your day off and I was working but came home early, only to find that guy all over you. He was above you and your lips were connected with his. You pushed him off when you saw me and begged me to let you explain. All I did was walk towards this guy and beat the living hell out of him. You tried to pull me away but I pushed you which caused you to fall and hurt your head on the coffee table. As soon as I heard the bang, I was by your side. You touched the back of your head and there was blood. I ripped my shirt and tied it around your head. As I carried you to my car, you whispered that he kissed you and that you would never cheat on me because you loved me too much.

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