I Am Human Let Me Live (MIW)

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(A/N) Sorry if this sucks. I tried my best. and another thing, don't really know how this whole bask stage thing works so I'm just winging it. :3 hope you like it though!

I am so excited and nervous! I'm going to a Motionless In White concert and my mom got me backstage passes!

When my mom dropped me off there was about an hour until the concert actually started. I am so pumped! I waited in the smaller line and once I got to the front I got escorted backstage. I'm so excited I'm shaking!

When I finally got back there I saw three other people; two guys and a girl and they looked as excited as I am.

"Hi! I'm Adele but you can call me Addie!"

I exclaimed as I got closer.

"Hi Addie!"

The three replied happily. The taller of the two boys introduced himself first, "I'm Phoenix. This is Jackson, and this is Raven."

He said pointing to himself and the other two. Just as I was about to reply the lights dimmed and the crowd started chanting 'Motionless In White'. And before we knew it the band emerged from the other side of the stage. First Brandon, then Ghost, Josh, Ricky, Ryan, and lastly Chris.

I wanted to watch all of them while they played but my gaze was always drawn to Ryan. He looked so comfortable playing. Their set was over before I knew it and I frowned slightly. But as I saw them walk to the side of the where we are my heart started to race and my stomach exploded with butterflies.

Some security lead us to the back lounge of the stage and the three of us sat on one the few couches back there.

About 10 minutes later the band came into the lounge to join us. They were all still sorta sweaty but that was normal considering they just finished playing not too long ago.

Phoenix, Jackson, and Raven introduced themselves and I just sat there quietly letting this process. I felt someone tap my forehead and I snapped back with a frown on my face. But the face that was just inches from mine instantly made it transform into a small smile. It was Ryan.

"Hi. I'm Ryan. And you are?"

"Addie." I said quietly.

"Nice to meet you Addie. Hey guys! Come here and say hi to Addie!"

Ryan exclaimed to the rest of the band who were noming on food. I guess Phoenix, Raven, and Jackson left already.


They said, most of them having full mouths.

"You like the concert?" Josh asked with a smile. I couldn't bring myself to speak so I just nodded my head. 'Wow, nice going Addie.', I scolded myself.

The guys went back to talking amongst themselves, except for Ryan. He sat down beside me. "So Addie, which one of our songs is your favorite?" "I'd have to say that London In Terror is my top favorite." He smiled at my reply.

Just then my stomach grumbled in hunger. He chuckled but I blushed deeply. "I take it you're hungry? If you wanted food you could've just got up and got some it's just right there." He said motioning to the table of food behind us. I shook my head fiercely, maybe a little too fiercely because confusion and worry etched his features. "Are you sure? Is there a reason you don't want to eat?" I hate when people ask me this. Another shake of the head.

He studied me for a moment then stood up, grabbed my hand, and led me outside. "OK. Please tell me why you won't eat. You're so tiny, you need to eat." The back of my throat burned with unshed tears. I sank down on the ground with my back to the wall. He sat down beside me as I took a shaky breath.

"I'm fighting anorexia at the moment. It's just that I'd rather feel hungry all the time than feel fat when I do eat. Don't even tell me that I'm not fat. I feel fat. When I was little I dealt with weight problems and being bullied because of that. Once I got into 8th grade that's when I stopped eating. I would eat a little something every now and then but that was just to satisfy my friends and family. I felt better when I didn't eat. Right now I'm happy with how I look but I know this is bad for me. I've never told anyone this before. I feel so much better now." I said as I dropped my head into my hands so he wouldn't see me cry.

I felt myself being lifted and set into his lap. He smoothed my hair and me cry. "Addie. I want you to know that you are beautiful. Really, you are. Almost as beautiful as me," I laughed at that through my tears, "But seriously, you are a beautiful girl. I noticed you during the set and I asked myself "Who is that beautiful girl? I hope I get to meet her." I guess my wish came true." He lifted my chin, wiped my tears away, and placed a soft kiss to my forehead. "Come on, let's go back inside. But one last thing, promise me you'll eat. For me. Please try and stop this. I know it's a lot to ask but, please, for me. You're beautiful and you don't need to do this to yourself." He finished a placed a soft kiss to my lips. "Oh god... I'm so sorry. I-I-I wasn't thinking." I giggled "It's OK. And I'll stop for you Ryan. I'm glad I told you about this." He smiled at me, "I'm glad you told me too."

He lead us back inside and the guys wolf-whistled at us but Ryan told them to shut up and nothing happened. Ryan grabbed me a piece of pizza and some fruit. "Thank you. For everything Ryan." I said as I popped a grape in my mouth letting the sweet juice explode in my mouth. "No problem Addie."

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to see my mom calling. It was time to go. I sighed and looked over at the guys. Ryan caught my glance and walked over "I have to go." "Aw Addie!" He exclaimed and pulled me into a tight hug. Next thing I know I felt more pressure and body heat all around me. "Release me!" I yelled and they laughed and did so.

They all said bye to me and Ryan handed me a slip of paper. I hugged him one last time and when he pulled away he left a soft kiss lingering on my lips. "If you ever need someone to talk to, call me." I had a goofy grin plastered on my face. "OK, I will. Bye Ryan." I said my last goodbyes and walked out to my mom's awaiting car. Today was definitely the best day ever.


I hope you liked it :3

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