Death Of Me (AA)

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Today was like another day: I got up, got ready and went to work at the local tattoo shop. But at my lunch break I got a call from someone I haven't talked to in what seems like forever. Ben Bruce. "Ben! How have you been? What are you guys up to now!" I rambled quickly.                                                      "I've been good Hayley. We've missed you! And we're going on tour soon and need a new merch girl..." He trailed off, basically asking if I wanted to be their much girl.                                                                   "And you want me to be your new merch girl?" I said with a laugh.                                                             "Noo. Why would I ask such a thing?" He replied sarcastically. I laughed at him.                                     "Yeah, I'll do it. When does tour start?" A nervous chuckle on the other line.                                               "Um, well that's the thing. It starts tomorrow. And before you tell at me, we didn't know we needed a new merch girl until today because our old one left. Tour is for three months."                                         I sighed heavily, "Whatever Ben. I'll talk to Aaron and tell him I'm going to be gone for three months. What time am I getting picked up by you lazy, British, butts?"                                                                        "Hey! No name calling! You know that's mean!" He said with mock hurt, I laughed at him.                   "We'll get you around um, 5 in the morning. Don't whine. We gotta drive to Oklahoma from Cali to get you then onto Idaho."                                                                                                                                          "Ok, well my lunch break is over soon. Bye Ben-Ben! See ya bright and early!"                                              "Bye Hayley!"

I hung up after he said goodbye and wandered into Aaron's office/station. "Hey Aaron. Um. my friend and his band want me to tour with them. Which means I'll be gone for three months."                          He didn't look up from his tattoo sketch "And you're asking for three months off?" He looked up at me with humor in his eyes. I nodded my head.                                                                                                "Sounds fun. Sure, you can go. Business has been kind of slow lately. If I need help I can always call in someone else. You could even give tattoos on the road to promote the shop."                             "Thank you! Thank you so much Aaron! That sounds awesome! I'm sure the guys'll want tattoos! Is it too much to ask to go home now? I need to pack." I asked hesitantly.                                                        He shook his head, "No, that's fine. Have fun Hayley." He said and went back to sketching.                "Thanks again Aaron!" And with that I packed up the few things I brought with me this morning and bolted out the door.

As soon as I got home I started packing and within two hours I had four suitcases packed and ready. After I finished packing I ate some dinner, showered, and went to bed. I was exhausted and it was only 6:30! Just as I laid down and closed my eyes, sleep took over.

 I was awoken to my phone blaring Death Of Me at 4:45, I searched around on my nightstand for my phone and answered sleepily. "What?"                                                                                                               "Wake up Hayley! We're gonna be there in like five minutes!" Danny yelled into my ear.                         "I'm awake stupid." I replied, irritated. I'm not a morning person.                                                                   I heard Danny yell. "James! Hayley called me stupid!" He's such a child.                                                   "Ok, yeah I'm going now. Bye guys see you when you get here." 

I threw my phone on my nightstand but knew I missed when I heard a crash. "Ugh!" I exclaimed in frustration. I got out of bed to search for my phone and broken object. Turns out I smashed a ceramic box I had sitting in my floor, oh well. I cleaned it up and dragged myself to the bathroom. After I did what I needed to do I packed the few things that I hadn't and went into the living room with my bags. I set them by the door and grabbed a banana from the kitchen. 

Ten minutes passed and they still weren't here. Just then I heard someone pull up and some loud voices nearing my door. I waited for them to knock and as I heard someone yell "Hayley!" I opened the door to see my favorite British boys. Before I knew what was going on I was engulfed into a tight hug. "Let me go!" I yell/laughed. Man, I missed these guys! They did and I looked at each one.           "I missed you guys so much!" I exclaimed as I pulled them into my own hug.                                           "We missed you too!" Sam replied.                                                                                                                     "Ok! We gotta go! Hayley, are these your bags?" Cameron asked. I nodded my head, turned off my lights I had on and grabbed my keys. They waited for me to finish. When I had locked my front door the boys started for the bus, but not before I jumped onto Ben's back. That surprised him, considering he almost dropped me.

When we got into the bus Ben decided to sit down on the couch with means I ended up basically straddling his back, very uncomfortable. But I couldn't help a light blush from blossoming on my cheeks. I pushed him to the floor, he took me with him. I ended up on him. Really? Why does this keep happening? "Hey, lovebirds. Stop that." I rolled off of him and looked up at Sam with a glare. He chuckled, "Hayley, your bunk is right there. Under me, above Danny, and across from Ben." I eyed him suspiciously.

I got up and went to my bunk to find my luggage sitting there. "Where do I put my stuff?" I yelled to whoever was within hearing range, which meant everyone. "Calm yo tits woman! Put your stuff in the back room with everyone else's." Danny yelled back at me. "You guys better not go through my stuff." I warned them all. "Remember last time you guys went through my stuff?" Their eyes widened with the memory. I giggled. "Hayley, come here. I wanna talk to you." I heard Sam call from the front room. I went in there to find only him. Ok? What's going on? 

I sat down beside him and looked at him for an explanation. "You know, I can tell you like Ben. It's pretty obvious." I looked at him with shock. Was it really that noticeable? "And from the the way he's acting around, I'm pretty sure he likes you too." "You really think so?" I asked quietly. He nodded his head, "Well, I'm tired. Imma go back to sleep." "Ok. Sleep well Hayley." I hugged him and went to my bunk, plopping in it once I got there. I laid there for about ten minutes thinking about what Sam just told me. Ben actually liked me? The Ben that I've had a crush on since we were kids? I just couldn't believe it.

I was on the brink of sleep when I felt the bed dip behind me. I was about to turn around and push them out when I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me towards them. "Am I dreaming?" I said aloud. The person behind me laughed and I felt their chest rumble against my back. "No darling, you aren't dreaming. This is actually happening." I know that voice anywhere. "Ben?" I turned around, sure enough it was him. "What are you doing in my bunk?" He shrugged his shoulders and brought his hand up to prop his head up. "I couldn't sleep. Thought I'd come over here and lay with you." He wouldn't meet my gaze. "Right. I know you Ben. What's the real reason?" I said scooting over back to wrap my arms around my legs. He sighed heavily and ran his hand through his hair. "I-I-I like you ok. I really like you Hayley. I always have. You're just so funny, beautiful, and a great person. I'm sorry. I should go." I laid there stunned. "Ben. Stay here. Please." I reached out to touch his arm. He looked back at me and his eyes looked sad. "I like you too Ben. I've always liked you. Ever since we were kids." I said with a small smile. "Really?" His eyes looked shocked. I nodded my head.

He scooted over until our faces were mere inches apart. He looked at my eyes then let them trail down to my lips. I did the same. Before I knew it his lips were softly touching mine. It was an amazing feeling, his lips on mine. He moved his against mine and the kiss got deeper. He pulled away and we were both breathing hard. "Will you be my girl-" before he could finish, we went over a bump and he was bounched up and out of my bunk, falling to the floor. I looked out to see him laying on his back, I couldn't help but laugh. Seconds later the others looked out at him and laughed. He looked over at me, I nodded my head. His eyes lit up and I rolled back over into my bunk. Oh, the next three months are going to be fun. 


I hope you like this! It took me a while to do it, but it's finally done! Sorry for the long wait. 

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