Can You Feel My Heart?(BMTH)

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I woke up this morning and had I feeling something good was going to happen. I was right. At lunch I was listening to music on my phone when I got a Twitter notification. It was from Oliver Sykes from Bring Me The Horizon(for those who don't know). "Hey San Diego! Come hang with us tomorrow @ Hot Topic!!" My insides exploded with happiness. I can't wait for tomorrow! 

The rest of the day went by slowly and I was just about ready to rip my hair out, but the last bell of the day rang and I bolted from the room. I grabbed my stuff from my locker and walked the short distance home. I'm so glad it's Friday! "Mom, I'm gonna take the car tomorrow! Is that ok?" I yelled as soon as I walked in the door. I kicked my shoes off, threw my bag on chair, and went to the kitchen to find my mom making fajitas. Yum. "That's fine honey. Where are you going?" she asked chopping the peppers and onions. "Bring Me The Horizon is having a signing at Hot Topic tomorrow." "Ok. That's fine Kate. Just be careful. Those things can get crazy." "I'll be fine mom. It'll be a whole lot more mild than one of their concerts." "That's true. Ok, well dinner should be done in about half an hour. Do your homework." That was the last thing she said to me because she was busy making dinner. "Ok mom." I grabbed my bag and skipped to my room.

I went to bed that night with my tummy full and my heart speeding with excitement. I couldn't sleep at all that night; I tossed and turned for about an hour. I finally gave in and got up. It was three in the morning. I sighed and hopped into the shower, letting the hot water run over my body. An hour later I was out; dressed and hair straightened. I put some eyeliner and mascara on and I considered myself ready.

When I went back to my room it was around four. I skipped into the kitchen and grabbed some fruit and orange juice. Yummy. When I finished I ran into my room and grabbed my phone, iPod, keys, wallet, and threw them into my tiny, black purse. I sat in my car for a little bit thinking about where to go. I said screw it and rolled up to the nearest Starbucks and got myself a Pumpkin Spice Latte. Mmmm, these things are so good.

I drove around aimlessly for a bit then found myself in the mall parking lot at eight thirty. I grabbed my stuff and skipped into the mall. Yes, I enjoy skipping. Man, it's empty. There was only like five people that I saw. I found a bench and sat, puling out my phone and going to Twitter. I typed in, "What time are you guys going to be at the signing? @olobersykes"  I didn't expect an answer, but what do you know. Minutes later my phone vibrated. I pulled it out seeing Twitter. I opened it to see he replied! "We'll be there around 11 or 12. Hope to see you there!" Oh my god! Oliver Sykes tweeted me!  I died a little inside and starting skipping around the mall to kill time.

I ended up outside of Hot Topic. I strolled in and greeted the two tired looking workers. I walked around for a couple minutes then looked up to see one of the workers nodding off. "Hey. You should go get some coffee. I can hold down the fort for you. I swear I'm not going to steal anything." "Thank you so much!" She exclaimed and went on a short hunt for coffee. (A coffee shop wasn't that far away.) 

I looked around and noticed that other worker was not in the store part and people were starting to come in. When the other worker who went to get coffee finally got back, there were about ten people in there. I was starting to freak out. "Thank you so much! A coffee was exactly what I needed!" She exclaimed when she got back behind the counter and started helping people. Most of them were there for the signing. 

By the time 9:45 came around about twenty or so people were lining up already. I was in the front ^_^ go being early. I heard squeals behind me and British accents and instantly knew who it was. Bring Me The Horizon. My mouth dropped open and my eyes grew wide. They are only a few feet away from me. Sweet babies! I managed a small "Hello." as they walked past and Jordan was the one to hear me and waved at me. Eep! Ok, don't fangirl. No fangirling.

As they were getting situated and ready for us I felt eyes on me and flicked my gaze to their table. Oliver was looking intently at me. I felt my face heat up and knew it was a deep red color. I heard a deep chuckle and looked to see it had come from Oli. Why is he doing this? I feel kind of uncomfortable. I glanced up from the floor to their table and saw Oli motioning me to come forward. I took a deep breath and did so. "Good morning doll. How are you?" Lee said as I approached their table. "Morning. I'm good, glad to finally meet you guys." I said the last part with a chuckle. I handed him my poster, CD, and shirt to sign. He passed it down to Jordan when he was done.

I had a nice little conversation with each one as they signed my stuff until I got to Oliver. I stood there speechless. "Hello darling." He said with a breath-taking smile. I mentally slapped myself so I wouldn't fangirl. "Hi." I said quietly. "What is the name of this beautiful creature that stands before me?" He said smiling. "Kate."  I said meekly. "Kate. It fits you." I loved the way my name rolled off his tongue. "Thank you." I said returning his perfect smile. "You're quite beautiful. Has anyone ever told you that before?" I blushed again. "Um, my parents and friends. If that counts." I said chuckling. He chuckled at my response. "I meant like a boyfriend." More blushing. I pulled my gaze from his and dropped it to the floor. "No, I've never had one before." I replied quietly, embarrassed. I felt a hand on mine. "Hey. Any guy that hasn't noticed your beauty is blind." He said with a reassuring smile. 

As I was about to walk away he grabbed my hand. "Hey. If you ever want to talk to someone. Send me a text or give me ring." He said while jotting down his number on my hand. I smiled and nodded in return. I wandered out and plopped down on the nearest bench. Wow. I pulled out my phone and punched in Oliver's number, saving it to my contacts. 

I went to Twitter, "Well today has been beyond awesome so far." and I tagged all of BMTH. I set my phone on my thigh and it vibrated, telling me I had a notification. Twitter. I opened it and it said that Oli had followed me! What?! I squealed earning weird looks my way but I ignored them. Wow, today has held many firsts.

I looked at my phone to see what time it was and saw that it was about eleven. I stood, grabbed my things and walked towards Hot Topic's entrance and saw that most of the line was gone and about thirty people were left. I waved at the few people that saw me and wandered towards the mall doors to leave.

Once I got to my car I plopped down in to the drivers seat and sat there for about five minutes letting today's events replay in my head. More squealing. After my excited fit I headed home. 

I raced up my room and threw myself onto my bed. Pulling out my phone, I went straight to my contacts, finger hovering over Oli's name. "Screw it." I said aloud and a sent a quick text to him.


Really hope you like it :3 I had fun writing this and so wanted to make so much more longer but decided against it. 

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