Chapter 18~ A New Cellmate

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"DAMMIT!!!!! DAMMIT!!!!!! DAMMIT!!!!!!!! WHAT THE F*CK DID YOU DO TO ME?!?!?!?!?"

"It's just paralysis, so don't scream."


"Oh come now, that's not the proper language for a young lady!"


"Oh? Well I'm thirty five so-"


I tried to give him the finger, but I couldn't move. My body wouldn't let me, so I just stuck my tongue out at him.

"Thirty seven? How is it that you look like a seventeen year old?"

"Psh! Like I'd tell you!!!"

He sighed and reopened the doors to level six. I heard gasps come from all my new friends. "Lila!!" They shouted as a collective group. I smiled at them and laughed sheepishly.

"Hey... Guys..... Well, it looks like I got caught! Sorry!"

I probably looked really pathetic in my current position. The warden had flung me over his shoulder, after he paralyzed me, after I "accidentally" broke down the door to his office. Who knew he liked the fourth level so much to have an office there? I sure didn't!

The warden walked over to Cro's cage and threw me in there.

"Hey!!! Shit face!!!! Why aren't I in my old cage?!?!?"

"Because you broke your old cage."

"Then who's to say I won't break this one, huh?!?!"

He smirked. "Because this cage is made of sea prism stone which is twice as hard as high quality steel. Also, that paralysis lasts for thirty six hours. Not enough time for you to make an escape!"

He turned and walked away, out of the level.

I sighed and laid my head back on the floor.

"Damn." Came Cro's voice from behind me. I looked up and saw an upside down Crocodile frowning at me. "What?" I asked him in an annoyed tone.

"I'm stuck all alone in a cage with you." He closed his eyes and rubbed his temple. "And the warden didn't paralyze your mouth."

All alone? I could have sworn there were at least two other inmates in here with him... Wait.....

"Hey! I take offense to that!" I shouted up at him, just realizing he had insulted me.


I sighed exasperatedly. "Well if you're not gonna talk, at least put me into a better position!" The cold ground beneath my back was starting to hurt.

At nights, I didn't sleep on the stone, Ace and I slept on each other. I wasn't used to the hardness.

"Fine, if it gets you to be quiet."

He stood, walked over to me, and began to lift me over his shoulder.

"Hey, Cro?" I asked as he sat me down in the corner of the bench opposite of where he usually sits.


"Where are your chains?"

"Never had any."


"Because of the sea prism stone cage."

"Oh.... You have a devil fruit ability?"

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