Chapter 21~ Meeting God - Are You Sure I'm Not Dead?

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{it's gonna be short, just saying}

"Just let her stay with you."

A familiar voice ordered, waking me up.

"No. I revived her, but that's all I will do for you, Crocodile." Another deep voice replied.

Crocodile? What was going on? Who was he talking to? And why did I feel like I died?! It felt like shit!

"Look, I know you're mad that you never got to go to that place of yours, but come on! She's a......friend.... And you still owe me, remember?!"

The second man sighed exasperatedly. If I could open my eyes to see the two, I would, but I was too exhausted. "Fine." He said after a minute. "She can stay, but ONLY until she's recovered, understand?"

"Fine. Thank you."


I heard footsteps slowly fade away as Crocodile left whatever room I was in. After a few minutes, the stranger spoke again.

"I know you're awake. You can open your eyes."

I pried them open and looked to where the voice was. There, sitting in a fluffy white chair, was a barefoot man with the most absurd orange pants I had ever seen. They were even flashier than Kid's!

I let my gaze travel up to a well toned, bare torso with muscular arms crossed over it.

Even further still, I saw his face and head. The first thing that caught my eye were his earlobes. My god, his earlobes. They were stretched all the way down to his bare chest and had gold earrings attached to their tips. I forced myself to look back at his face.

He had a strait nose, like Crocodile's, only his was covered in weird lines. Were they scars? I don't know.... On his head, he wore a white bandana that almost covered thick black eyebrows. I could only just see short blonde hair poking out from underneath it. Behind him, attached to his body, was an arc of drum looking thingies with swirls on them.

"What's your name, girl?" He asked.

"Lila.... Gol D. Lila...."

He nodded and I tried to sit up, only to gasp with pain.

"Don't." He started. He walked over to me and settled me back down onto whatever I was laying on. It was warm and really fluffy.... Kinda like a cloud. "If you move you're stomach will tear open again."

I looked up at him curiously. "What's your name?"

He smirked.

"Eneru. Kami Eneru."

I painfully raised an eyebrow. "You're God? Oh man... I did die...." I looked around again. Everything was white and fluffy looking, like it was made of clouds. "Please tell me this is Heaven. I don't want to be dammed for all eternity in Hell!"

Eneru laughed. It kinda sounded like Cro's laugh...

"No, this isn't Heaven, Lila! You might have been there at some point, but I made sure to drag you back to this hellhole of a world where you belong!"

I stared up at him in disbelief.

"But... Law told me I was going to die! How did you..."

"No. Don't ask me that. I don't feel like sharing all the details... Hmmm.... How can I explain it simply?..." He muttered, rubbing his chin. He snapped his fingers suddenly as he thought of an answer.

"Have you ever heard the story of Frankenstein's monster?"

I nodded my head. It wasn't my favorite as a child, but I still enjoyed it when mother told it to me.

"Well, it's kind of like that. I'm Frankenstein, you're my monster."

I tried to piece together what he was saying in my exhausted mind.

".... So..... I was dead..... And now I'm not?"


I remembered something Law told me once. It seemed like years ago that he said it. "Clinical or biological death?" I asked the Kami. He crossed his arms again.

"Well, considering the fact that you were dead for about a month before I revived you.... I think it's safe to say biological."

I stared at him in shock. "A-a m-month?" My mouth hung open.

Eneru nodded his head. "Yup. They had the funeral and everything. Crocodile told me that he had to use his powers to bring your casket up to the surface. He gave you to me a couple of weeks ago, and you've been asleep ever since."

He cocked his head to the side.

"Funny thing is, your body didn't decay in the slightest. It was as if time stopped for you the moment you died." He smirked a little bit. "Isn't that odd..... Oh, and don't hang your mouth open like that."

I closed my mouth and blinked slowly. So, it happened again. Why did my body not decay, or even age?! Why did time stop for me yet again?

I cleared my throat.

"So, how long do you think it will take me to recover?"

Eneru shrugged. "It depends on how fast you heal, but I think the longest possible amount of time would be..... Two years." Once more, I stared at him in shock.

"T-two years? Why so long?!"

"Well, your body needs to heal and regenerate the parts of your organs that you lost, that's one year. Then you have to re-learn fighting skills and things like that, that's two years."

I thought about my friends, everyone who thought I was dead, and my head began to spin.

I shivered as I felt Eneru's cold hand press against my forehead. "You have a slight fever. You should probably get some rest." He took his hand away and began to walk out of the room.

"Wait." I called, stopping him. "I didn't know that God was a doctor too." I smirked and he mimicked it.

"You never bothered to ask."


Ok, I'm sorry for all of you who refer to Eneru as Enel, but I first started watching OP in the English dubbed version and I got past the sky island arc like that.
I don't know about anyone else, but I was fangirling so much when I heard John Michael Tatum as the voice of Eneru!!! >-< ^_^

So yeah....

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