Chapter 27~ Lila in Wonderland part 1

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I woke up with a start.

"Oh Kami!" I hissed, clutching my pounding head. Hangovers were the worst.

I stood from Kid's bed and looked around for my shirt. It wasn't there.... Of course not....

Sighing exasperatedly, I walked to the door and flung it open. The sudden brightness of the sun forced me to squeeze my eyes shut. "KID!" I called out blindly. "WHERE'S MY SHIRT?!"

After a few moments of no responses later, I peeked open my eyes to see where everyone could be.

What I saw shocked me and I opened my eyes wide. No longer was I on the ship of the Kid Pirates, I was standing in a lush, almost magical looking forest.

"What the...." I started, walking forward.

I heard a slam as the door behind me shut. I spun on my heel and tried with all my might to open it. It wouldn't budge.

A rustling sound caught my attention and I turned once again. Out of the bushes, hopped a big white polar bear with bunny ears attached to his head, and wearing an orange business suit.

"Oh dear! Oh dear!" He huffed, looking at a pocket watch with a cool symbol on the back. "I'm late! I'm late! I'm sorry! I'm late!"

He started to hop away and I ran after him. "Hey! Wait!" I shouted, but he was already gone.

I slowed my pace down and began to take in my surroundings. It was actually quite pretty here. Of course, this was a dream. It's supposed to be pretty..... Right?

I kept walking until a sudden smoky smell wafted into my nose, making me stop and cough.

"Why hello, mademoiselle~!" A suave voice said from around a bend in the path I was on. I turned it and saw a giant caterpillar with the upper half of a blonde man with swirling eyebrows and a goatee, sitting on top of an enormous mushroom and smoking from a weird looking pipe.

"What brings you here with such a darling smell~?" He continued. God he was creepy.....

"Um... I'm looking for the polar bear rabbit." I said to him. He looked up to the clouds as if remembering something.

"Ah yes! He was here~!" The caterpillar smiled back down at me and patted the mushroom next to him. "Now please, have a seat my dear~!"

I shrugged and climbed on next to him. He did a closed-eyed smile at me and the smoke from his pipe began to form little hearts.

"This day today is a special treat~!" He told me as he pulled a covered tray out from behind him. "Because my dear, you get a sweet~!" He uncovered the lid and I saw a little pastry with the words 'Eat Me' drawn on in frosting.

My stomach grumbled and I licked my lips at the sight. I hadn't realized how hungry I had been until then. I reached forward and took the pastry. I as about to eat it, when the caterpillar grabbed my wrist and stopped me, a serious look on his face for once.

"Be careful, my dear, before you start~. The most painful wounds are those of the heart~."

I looked at him quizzically, not understanding his meaning. His expression returned to normal as he let go of me and did his closed-eyed smile. Looking back at the pastry, I took a bite of the delectable sweet.

It was absolutely delicious, but it had an odd aftertaste.

A second later, my heartbeat began to speed out of control and I started feeling dizzy. I dropped the pastry and closed my eyes, choking and clutching my throat.

"What the...*cough* *cough*...hell did you...*cough* to me?!" I squeaked.

....Wait.... Squeaked?

I opened my eyes and gasped. THE CATERPILLAR WAS FREAKING HUGE!!!!!!

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?" I screamed up to him. "WHY ARE YOU GIGANTIC?!?!?!?"

He leaned down to me and put a hand behind his ear. "It's hard to hear, my dear, when you call~! For you see, I'm not big, you just got small~!"

I looked around and realized he was right. EVERYTHING was bigger than me!

"HOW DO I FIX IT?!" I shouted up at him.

"Ah! You see, now that's the trick~! From here on out, the plot grows thick~!" I furrowed my brow. What's he talking about?

The caterpillar continued.

"You'll have to find the King of Hearts~! He lives further away, not near these parts~!"

He pointed in the direction I was headed in originally, before he had stopped me. It seemed so much bigger now..... "A king, huh?" I mumbled, climbing down from my perch.

The caterpillar smiled down at me.

"Yes ma'am, he's the boss~! He even has power over the moss~!" .......Hey wait....... He could hear me perfectly well!! Why that little.......! *angry grumbles*.

His happy attitude suddenly shifted to one of suspicion. He leaned down and put his hand by his mouth.

"Speaking of the moss, my lady~...." He whispered down at me, his eye shifting from side to side. "It would be best to avoid him, he's really quite shady~....."

Almost instantly, a crashing sound came from behind me.


I looked to find a normal sized man (who was a giant to me in my tiny size) wearing a forest-green kimono. His one open eye was the same color as his outfit and his hair was a light green, like moss....... Wait....... It was moss! That man had moss growing out of his head like hair!!

"NOTHING TO CONSERN YOU ABOUT~!!" The caterpillar shouted back to him angrily. "YOU'RE JUST A USELESS, NO TALENT LOUT~!!"

"YOU WANNA GO, BITCH?!?!?!" The moss man shouted.

"BRING IT ON~!!" The caterpillar replied. He glanced down at me. "But wait until after my Lila is gone~!"

I frowned up at him and was about to ask how he knew my name, but I found my feet involuntarily walking me away from the pair, down the now gigantic path.

I heard the sounds of battle starting and sighed. Those two were so strange....


I had been walking for about an hour now and was surprisingly making good headway!

I pushed my way through a bush and bumped into someone else, causing us both to fall.

"Owch!" we both said in unison.

I stood first and rubbed my butt. I looked down at the person I had bumped into and smiled apologeticly. "Sorry little girl! I didn't see you there!" I held out my hand to her and she took it, her face flushed and twisted into a scowl.

"I'm not a girl!" She shouted. "I'm a boy! And I'm not little!"

I furrowed my brow in concentration and stared at him. He was small, about a head or so smaller than me, with dark blue-grey hair. He had rather feminine features and one big blue eye. The other was covered by a black eye patch and his bangs. He was wearing a light blue and white outfit with striped stockings and black shoes.

I smiled down at him sheepishly and rubbed the back of my head. "Oops! My bad! Sorry kid!"

His scowl vanished and his face turned an even deeper crimson ad he looked me up and down. "My god, woman!" He exclaimed. Only now did I notice his English accent. "What the devil are you wearing?!"

I looked down at myself. "Pants and a bra. And my name's Lila." I said simply. He began covering his flushed face with his hands.

"Have you no shame, Lila?! COVER UP!!"

I pouted. "Can't. Don't have a shirt." My pout broke into a smile as his hands started to shake cutely. I ran forward and squeezed him into a hug.

"Awww!!! You're so cute!!! What's your name!!!"

"C-c-ciel Ph-phantomhive!! L-let me go, Lila!!" Once more, I pouted.

"Fine..." Letting go, he pulled away and stumbled backwards. He began to walk in the opposite direction as me. I smiled and waved after him.

"Goodbye Ciel! If you see a polar bear rabbit in an orange suit, tell me!"

He turned and smiled a little bit.

"Goodbye Lila. If you see a butler with white rabbit ears in a black suit, tell me."

I beamed back and saluted him. "Can do!"

We both turned and went our separate ways.


Not long after, I heard a giggling behind me. I turned on my heel to look. Nothing...


The giggling again, from behind me once more. I turned again, faster this time, and caught sight of an enormous upside down smile that vanished not a second later.



"Shishishsi! Looks like you've caught me!" I turned to see a gigantic boy (he was actually normal size, but hey, I was tiny!) floating upside down in thin air.

He had raven black hair with matching cat ears attached to his head, and a similarly colored cat tail flicking slightly at the tip. On his face was a scar beneath his left eye, and an enormous grin that literally spread from ear to ear.

He floated closer to me and opened his eyes. I could just make out small feline slits in his onyx orbs.

"You're tiny! It's weird!" He giggled. I nodded.

"Yes, and you're a floating cat-boy! But hey! Of course I'm the weird one due to my size!" He giggled again and his smiled spread (if that were even possible).

"Hey," I started, cutting into his giggle fit. "Do you know how to change me back? The caterpillar told me I had to go to the King of Hearts."

The cat-boy pursed his lips and began scratching his chin, floating in circles around me as he thought. After about five minutes of this, his face had become red in frustration (or maybe because he was still upside down) and, in all honesty, it looked like thinking was actually causing him physical pain!

He finally snapped his fingers together and smiled his enormous smile. He floated into a crouching position so that he and I could talk face to face without him being upside down.

"There are three people I know of, other than the King of Hearts (though he would be the best option), who can help you with your tiny person problem permanently, and one who can fix it temporarily!"

I smiled at him and said: "Permanent! I don't wanna be tiny anymore!"

He smiled wider and giggled again.

"Shishishsi! Ok!
First: The Duchess of Clubs! Her name is Robin! She gives me food sometimes!
Second: The Queen of Diamonds! Her name is Nami! I like her hair! It's long and orange and smells like tangerines!
Third: The Duke of Spades! His name is Ace! AND HE'S MY BIG BROTHER!!!!!"

The Cheshire Cat (which I've decided to call him, since the only person who's introduced himself was Ciel.... Hmm.... I wonder if he found that butler rabbit yet...... Gah! I'm off topic!)

The Cheshire Cat began happily bouncing around in the air, his hands raised over his head and laughing.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. "So, who's the one with the temporary solution?"

In an instant he was back to me. "The Mad Hatter! That's who I'm gonna take you too!" A second later, I was scooped into the Cheshire Cat's hands, and we vanished before I could protest.

When we reappeared, I felt sick to my stomach.

"Dude! What the hell?!" I gasped. How could he travel like that?!?!

"THIS IS OUR SPOT!!" A voice suddenly yelled. I looked up and what I saw astounded me.

There were three groups of three people each all standing around a table that was covered in tea and pastries. They were all arguing and wearing slightly similar looking outfits.

"Lila?" A voice asked. I looked over and saw a now normal sized Ciel making his way over to me, a girl with long brown hair behind him. "Hi Ciel!" I called out, only to feel the Cheshire Cat's hand vanish beneath me.

I screamed as I fell, but Ciel and the girl caught me.

"Are you ok?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. "Fine! Just a bit roughed up! Thanks for catching me!"

While the three other groups were still arguing over the table, Ciel grabbed a teacup and put it near my mouth. 'Drink Me' it said on the side.

"Drink it." Ciel told me. "It turned us back to normal size." The girl nodded in agreement. She was about a head or so taller than the boy, with long brown hair and eyes to match. She wore a dark grey uniform looking thing with black socks and brown shoes. She looked like a student from some school.

I shrugged my shoulders and took a tiny sip.

A second later, that same horrid feeling I had with the caterpillar came over me and I dropped to the ground. It passed and I stood, once again my normal size. Kami it was an amazing feeling!

I looked over to the girl and held out my hand. "Hi! My name is Gol D. Lila! What's yours?" She shook it and smiled.

"Haruhi Fujioka! It's nice to meet you, Lila!" I smiled, looked up at the groups that were fighting, then gasped. Grabbing Ciel's face, I smushed his cheeks together.

"Ciel, I found your butler!!"

He looked over at the man I was seeing. "No, that's not him." He sighed. Alright, let me explain the groups:

Group #1: Had three people in it that looked sorta Japanese, like Haruhi.
-One had perfectly styled blonde hair that was hidden under a large top hat with roses on it. He also wore a fancy looking suit and had pale skin with eyes a lighter shade of purple than my own. All in all, he was a pretty handsome dude!
-Another one was tall and wearing a grey mouse costume. He looked like he was asleep standing up.
-The third was the most adorable little boy I had ever seen!!!! He had blonde hair like the first one and big brown eyes like Haruhi. He had bunny ears coming from his head and was sitting on the shoulders of the mouse guy, eating cake.

Group #2: Had three people who wore clothes that reminded me of Ciel's.
-Again, one had a fancy suit on and a large top hat, only this one looked more sinister. That's probably because it was far less colorful and decorated with little skulls, not roses. The man beneath it was extremely pale and had silver hair that was even longer than mine and covered his eyes, but I could still see a scar running across his face. He was laughing like a lunatic.
-The second one was the butler I thought Ciel was looking for. He had glasses, a black suit, nicely combed hair, and rabbit ears that hung loosely down the sides of his head.
-The third was wearing a similar outfit, only he didn't have the jacket and has mouse ears on his head. He wore glasses too, but his hair was slightly unruly and was orange and black. Like the other mouse, he too was sleeping standing up.

Group #3: This group of three actually looked as though they had come from the Grand Line.
-Once more, there was one wearing a top hat, only this one was decorated with a pair of goggles. The man beneath it was tan with short, dirty blonde hair and was missing a tooth. He had a bandage over his nose and wore a navy blue jacket, exposing a well toned torso.
- The second one was (no surprise) standing while sleeping. He wore a white jumpsuit with a cool smily face symbol on it and a hat and sunglasses that covered his eyes and most of his auburn hair. He had mouse ears sticking out from atop the hat and a little mousy nose too.
- The third wore an identical jumpsuit, and a hat that said 'PENGUIN' on it. I couldn't see his hair or eyes. Even though his hat said 'PENGUIN', he had bunny ears sticking out of it and dangling in front of his face.

All in all, they were some weird people arguing over who gets the tea time table.

I turned to the three groups and stepped towards the Grand Line ones. "Hi!" I said, halting the argument. All eleven people turned to look at me. The blonde with roses was upon me in a flash.

"My dear you are an elegant flower among these horrid people! Care to join me for tea?" I frowned and pushed him off.

"No thanks! I don't need two Sanji's in my life!" Almost instantly the three of Ciel's group were surrounding me.

"How odd!!" The silver haired man giggled, poking and proding at the scars on my stomach and back. "You should be dead!! You're not dead!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!"

As quickly as I could, I backed up out of the group and into the arms of the Grand Line blond guy. He turned me around and smiled. "Hello Lila! It's good to see you again!"

I furrowed my brow. "Do I know you?" He nodded his head. "Yup! Two years ago for about a month!" I squinted my eyes. "I was dead two years ago for about a month... How would I know you?"

He pouted in a look of disappointment. "Oh poo! You don't remember do you? I was there with you! You know, in heaven! Maybe you'll remember if I told you my name. It's Sabo, and I'm your third little brother!"


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