Chapter 1 - Meeting "Him"

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Hello this book I made in my social studies class at school Bc well I was drawing some Undertale fan art and then I stared making this because if how much I HATE MY TEACHERS. Is total sense...right? -.- Anyways and I thought school would be 100,000,000,000,000+ times better with a Sebastian in my school ^-^ but anyways I must warn you that this chapter is kinda depressing but that's what I wanted to create with the atmosphere. Then Sebastian is in your life and then your life changes so Yah. Also sorry for the terrible grammar I was also typing this on my phone on the bus so... Anyways hope you like the story.

(Edit: So this chapter is like REALLY bad but I "think" that I have improved over the course of last few chapters. So bear with me. ._____.)

I got out of bed and it was flipping 5 in the morning because I could not get any sleep, because of all the stress I have been going threw. like my mom being super depressed and now needing to go to the doctor for meds. Also my dad drink all the time because of how he lost his job and and we are running out of money.

So I just got on my phone watching (favorite YouTuner) videos for about a hour. But I then sigh, and got up to go to the bathroom to do stuff you do in a bathroom. ;-; I put on my (favorite anime/band) shirt and some black leggings and (favorite color) Converse.
I put my hair into a (favorite hair style). I then go down stairs and open the door and walk to school.

I walk into my first period class. I notice that my teachers is not there. I then proceeded to my desk and sat down. As I get out my math book and drawing book I look up to see a tall man with glasses and gorgeous night black hair. He then smiles and says "hello class I am Mr.Michaelis" he then looks around the room infill he sees me. He then has this very small smile when he looks at me. That not much people in the room notice and I start to blush a little.

Sorry for small chapter I "think" the next one will be ''longer''. But I hope you like it so far and hopefully I update real soon, that is if I have the motivation and people actually like it. Also I am editing a cover for this book but I will still use the same picture it has now so Yah ;-; But anyways...


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