Chapter 3: I Know Now Isn't The Time...

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Today's the day of the wedding, and I'm hoping it never ends. I don't want tomorrow to come.

The only downsides of today are that I'm Mom's Maid of Honor so I have to wear a dress, my hair is in a very, very, tight bun, and I have to socialize. Thank God for Trent.

I'm hating the fact I'll have to hook arms with Mike's bestman, and I know for a fact that isn't Trent. As Mom walked down the isle, I saw that five young men were the groomsmen. Hm... they looked awfully familiar.

Mom handed me her bouquet and smiled. I smiled back and prepared myself for this long, boring, wedding.

After it was over, Mom took the flowers back and walked out with Mike. I hooked arms with Mike's bestman, which was one of the young men, and shot Trent a look. He laughed and wiggled his eyebrows. I glared at him and continued to walk out of the church. 

Once we were out, I quickly removed my arm from the guy's and waited right outside the church doors for Trent.

As soon as Trent came out, I was called for pictures. It's Mike's and Mom's day, why do I have to have pictures taken?! "I'll be back." I sighed. "Go look pretty." He laughed.

I stuck my tongue out at him then walked over to my mom. "Bailey, Honey, stand next to Zayn." Mom said. "Uh... right. Zayn?"

"Right here." Zayn said lifting his hand. Oh, bestman... she could've just said that. I walked over, but kept my distance. "Bailey, Sweetie, you're going to have to move closer to Zayn. He won't bite." The photographer laughed. "Right." I mumbled scooting closer.

After twenty minutes of pictures, we were done. Just the dreaded reception left. Ugh! I shook my head and walked over to Trent.

"The purple streak looks awesome by the way." He said. Oh, yeah. Yesterday I got a purple streak in my hair. "Thanks, I thought I sent you a picture last night?" I said confused. "You did, but it looks even better in person."

"Looks even better with my hair down." I smiled. "Bet it does." He agreed. "Want to go? A lot of people already left." He asked.

"Bike?" I asked with an evil grin. "You're wearing a dress, Bay." He pointed out. "You really thought I'd wear a dress without something under it?" I asked lifting the dress to show a pair of shorts that reach mid-thigh. "Your mom's gonna kill you." He laughed.

"Eh.. come on!" I led him to the back of the church where my bike was parked. I grabbed my jacket that was on the back and threw it on over my dress. I then hopped on the bike, tossed Trent the extra helmet, and put mine on.

Once I felt Trent's hands on my waist, I took off. I made sure I was close enough so the rest of the people there would see, and hear us.

I looked over and saw the Zayn dude. He was with the four other groomsmen. He looked amused while the rest looked terrified.

I looked away so I could drive. "You okay back there?!" I yelled over the engine. "Yeah!"

We arrived at the reception and went in. "I'm going to hate this." I said when I took it all in. "Oh, come on. You have me." Trent laughed.

"I'm being forced to socialize. You going to? Oh, wait. Mr. Quarterback should be used to that, huh?" I asked. "Oh, hush!" He laughed.

The first thirty minutes went fine. Trent and I were just sitting at a table goofing off. Then my mother came over..

"Hey, Sweetie. Having fun?" She asked. "Uh.. yeah!" I said giving her a fake smile. "Great! Um.. I have someone who wants to properly meet you."

"It's that Zayn kid, isn't it?" I sighed. "How'd you know?" She seemed surprised. "I'm not dumb."

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