It's Only the Beginning

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It was a long 8 hour flight. Luckily, it was a one-way flight there. Let's just say I don't like people now. Like, at all. There was a three-year-old behind me that wouldn't stop screaming! Also, a forty-year-old man got air-sick in the aisle next to us and the smell was killing me slowly. I sniffed my Bath and Body Works hand sanitizer while passing it to Oakley and Mae. Mae was very figety. I kept offering to call a food cart for her to eat but she passed. I was scared for her. Mae always got really attached to her pets...heck...all of us do. But Quest was her baby.

Mae found her in a ditch during a storm coming home from school. She almost hit a deer but she swerved into that ditch almost hitting it. She carried Quest all the way to the barn which was a mile away. Quest had two broken legs. Her owner probably didn't want here and hadn't realized she had two broken legs and left her in a ditch. Mae never left Quest's side. For two whole days Mae got water and had a heating blanket wrapped tight day and night. Until one day...when Mae left for a bathroom break she came back to Quest gone! Mae ran to get the barn owner. Mae passed the woods where she saw a grey streak. That streak was Quest running around and prancing. She ran up to Mae and nuzzled her chest. Mae had tears in her eyes. She quickly grabbed a lead rope and brought Quest to her favorite creek. Mae hopped around and Quest was right behind her.

I was disrupted from my daydream when the flight attendant asked if I needed anything. No, I would not like your mystery puddings or fuzzy peanuts ma'am. "No, thank you" I said. I looked over at Mae. She was looking out the window with one of those flight magazines that sold stuff that people never needed. Oakley was chewing on her hoodie string. She chews on things when she is nervous.

After about a good hour we landed!

This was it! The trip we've been all waiting for! Lond.....huh? When we stepped out of the plane we were directed to the airport because there was severe smog out. Smog...fog...I can agree with anyone. I couldn't even see two steps ahead of me. How did the plane land? I grabbed Oakley's hand, who grabbed Mae's hand. We were off. We raced to the blinky light that was the wand the air person holds when he shows where the planes need to go. We were almost there then Oakley tripped and fell on my suitcase and Mae tripped over Oakley. We were all on the ground laughing. Even Mae! "Sorry guys!" Oakley apologized. I looked up still a grin on my face and panicked! Where is the light?  I whipped my head around to see if it were anywhere. It wasn't. "Umm...guys? Where's the light?" I asked. The fog was so thick I could only see the outline of Mae and the face of Oakley. "Oh! My! Oh! My! Oh! My! What are we going to do what if we can't find it we are lost in London!" Oakley started to freak out because she started rambling to herself. That's not a good sign. I looked up. Oakley followed where I looked and said. "THE LIGHT I FOUND THE LIGHT!OR SHOULD I SAY LIGHTS!! PEOPLE ARE HERE LOOKING FOR US!!" Mae asked. "Where?" "Up!" Oakley screeched. I got up. The lights were getting awfully close. "Umm...guys those aren't...ummm...guys..." A lightbulb went off. "ITS A PLANE!!!RUN!!!!!" I screamed. We got up from the cement and ran straight forward hoping we didn't crash into a wall. The plane was getting closer! I stopped and grabbed both Oakley's and Mae's hand. Oakley started to freak out." Brooke? What are you doing there is a plane about to hit us lets....ohhhhh!" I guess another lightbulb went off in Mae's head too. We all stopped.
"Guys if we are in the wrong spot and a plane comes crashing on us I want to say. Thank you guys for an amazing life!" I bellowed.
"Me too!" Mae screamed.
"I wanted to have seven cats!" Oakley cried.
Obviously she wasn't listening to our monologue. All of a sudden, a great big wind pushed us down. It was the plane it landed about 900 feet from where we were. After about a good 15 minutes chasing the plane we followed that groups light. This plane was from Australia so all the people were actually friendly and offered water and breathe mints. We got into the airport and we sat down. All at once we got up. We all screamed "SUITCASES?!?"

Hi guys. I'm sorry I need that other story but I have a good feeling about this one. It's base of my friends and they are never, not entertaining so either is this book. Please let me know if this is something you want more of. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Neve stop reading!

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